Roseanne Barr on 'Hannity & # 39; – CNN


"I apologized a lot," Barr told Sean Hannity about his Fox News Channel program, before saying, "I'm sorry you thought I was racist" at the former advisor's d & # 39; Obama, Valerie. Jarrett, the target of the tweet that prompted ABC to cancel "Roseanne". (The network has since relaunched the show without it.)

Barr reiterated that the tweet was meant to be political, not racial, but stopped repeating its recent claim that she was fired because she was "deadly". she is a supporter of Trump.
His explanations have changed almost since the beginning of the controversy. On Thursday, she again offered the excuse that she had taken the drug Ambien when she posted the offensive tweet, which she described as "poorly worded". In a previous podcast interview, she told her fans, "Do not defend me."

Barr once again said that she was stunned when ABC first contacted her about the tweet. By canceling the show, the network – which is part of Walt Disney Co. – issued a statement calling the speaker "odious, disgusting and inconsistent with our values."

In response to Hannity's questions on her troubled past, Barr also talked about her history of mental health issues, and how the part of the brain that makes her a "creative genius" is close to the one that causes madness.

Tearing sometimes, Barr said, "I want people like me, I do not want them to hate me. But she also expressed her pride in the success of the logs that the "Roseanne" alarm clock had, saying, "They can not take it away from me, no matter what happened."

Barr reportedly received a major settlement from ABC to stay away from the series, allowing the reboot, "The Conners", to continue. When Hannity mentioned if she was compensated by the network, she said, "We can not talk about it."

Hannity devoted all the time to the interview.

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