Rugby League: Cronulla Sharks' run out of money & # 39; will blow up the bank for Shaun Johnson, comments the commentator of the league


One of Australia's leading rugby league commentators is waiting for fireworks when discarded Warriors playmaker Shaun Johnson joins the Cronulla Sharks today. .

Veteran The telegraph of the day According to journalist Phil Rothfield, Johnson's biggest challenge could be adapting to the Sharks' structured game plan, while warning that the 28-year-old will not be allowed to use the Cronulla-based club as a "venue for transit".

Rothfield told Dr. Arcy Waldegrave of Radio Sport that Johnson was about to sign a three-year contract "before the end of the day[Thursday)"aprèsqu'unedemandeantérieureconcernantuncontratàcourttermeaitétérejetéeparleclub[Thursday)"afteranearlierrequestforashort-termdealwasknockedbackbytheclub[Jeudi)”aprèsqu'unedemandeantérieureconcernantuncontratàcourttermeaitétérejetéeparleclub[Thursday)”afteranearlierrequestforashort-termdealwasknockedbackbytheclub

"He goes to Cronulla, a great rookie for the club, and I know he and his agent originally only wanted a one – year contract to see how he was doing. was installing, but we have the feeling to Cronulla that the club is not going to be used as a transit lounge that would open the door to a club like the Sydney Roosters to catch it in 2020 [when they lose superstar Cooper Cronk]"Said Rothfield.

"They are in talks just to sign the agreement and I think by the end of the day, Shaun Johnson will have signed a three year contract with the Sharks.

[[[[Anatomy of a break – How the Warriors and Shaun Johnson fell in love]

This, despite the fact that the club has recently laid off ten employees due to financial constraints, revealed Rothfield.

Shaun Johnson. Photo / Photosport
Shaun Johnson. Photo / Photosport

The Warriors' decision to sever ties with Johnson after an eight-year relationship was not a surprise.

"It's a bit of a shame for the game." He's the most popular footballer in the New Zealand League, he's undeniably one of the biggest social media players, and I think Shaun Johnson plays five or six games at 9/10. every year thinks it's coming every week, "Rothfield said.

"You saw him in the semifinal against Penrith at the ANZ stadium, when the Warriors bombed so badly after a good year, he needs to find more consistency to become a really great player."

Rothfield had heard rumors of discontent before Johnson 's sudden departure from the other side of the ditch.

"I do not know how it suited the rest of the players, I'm not saying that it was a separate cloakroom, but what I can tell you, it's [that he was] always the last to arrive and the first to leave and he was not a great team player.

"I do not think he's getting on very well with Stephen Kearney because his attitude was probably more towards him than the team." That's why there is had a breakdown and why the CEO [Cameron George] did not give him the initial comments that he deserved ".

Johnson would be a wise buy and could succeed at the Sharks, Rothfield said, provided he could adapt to Sharks coach Shane Flanagan's game plan.

"From a marketing point of view, to get winnings on the seats, to sell jerseys, I think that's an excellent signature for the club." I think it's [Johnson] could be a better player with a stronger and more experienced striker he will have at the Sharks next season. Shaun is just a brilliant individualist, "said Rothfield.

"[Flanagan] is very much in the rugby league structured. He likes to follow the game plan but I do not think you can put the chains on Johnson. He needs freedom. He needs a permit to move. "

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