Running is better than bodybuilding to reverse the signs of aging


Running in the fresh air can be a very refreshing activity, ideal during the crisp winter months.

While the benefits of running for health are well known, including helping you develop strong bones and strengthen your muscles, regular jogging can also slow down the signs of aging.

A study published in the European Heart Journal Researchers from the University of Leipzig, Germany, have evaluated the impact of different forms of exercise on the human body, comparing the effects of endurance, longevity and fatigue. IHI and resistance training.

During a six-month period, the team studied 266 healthy volunteers participating in three weekly workouts, each randomly assigned to one of three forms of training. Exercises mentioned above or as part of a control group.

All participants were described as "previously inactive", creating an equal playing field for the study.

Endurance training involved long runs, HIIT training consisting of warm-up followed by running intervals, and resistance training consisted of performing a variety of exercises. such as crunches, chest presses and leg curls.

The researchers analyzed the participants' white blood cells at the beginning of the study, a few days after the start of the study, and at the end of the six-month period.

The team noted a greater increase in telomerase activity and telomere length in the white blood cells of participants who had endurance training and HIIT compared to those who had undergone resistance training or having no exercise.

Telomeres are segments of DNA that can be found at the end of chromosomes and that affect how humans get older.

"Our main finding is that, compared to the start of the study and the control group, in volunteers who have endurance training and high intensity, telomerase activity and telomere length increased, two important factors for cell aging, regenerative capacity and therefore for health. aging, "says Professor Ulrich Laudes, one of the authors of the study.

"Interestingly, resistance training did not exert those effects."

Dr. Christian Werner, co-author of the study, believes that the key to the team's findings may lie in the human heritage.

"From an evolutionary point of view, endurance and high intensity workouts can better mimic the beneficial behavior of our ancestors when it comes to travel and combat or escape than bodybuilding," says -he.

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Although your endurance training, like running, is good for your health, it can also cause injuries in areas of the body such as the knee and heel.

Knee pain is so common in runners that it is often called "runner's knee".

If you experience knee pain as a result of your running, the NHS recommends that you rest for a week and then see a general practitioner or physiotherapist if you do not see any improvement.

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