Sacha Baron Cohen: Roy Moore hints that he too was fooled, accusing 'obscure media groups'


Former Alabama judge Roy Moore hinted on Wednesday that he, too, had been cheated by British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen, becoming the last Conservative to complain about the fact. a new series that Cohen filmed

. Moore issued a statement Thursday saying that he had accepted a paid trip to Washington in February to receive an award for his support for Israel.

"I did not know Sacha Cohen or a TV Showtime series was intended to embarrass, humiliate and mock not only Israel, but also religious conservatives like Sarah Palin, Joe Walsh and Dick Cheney," writes He said that he did not receive any other financial compensation for his trip other than spending.

Moore has remained mostly out of the light since his loss of the race for a year. Senate open seat in Alabama in December after allegations that he launched a Moore's Revelation follows the release this week of a promotional trailer for the show, where the former vice President Dick Cheney enthusiastically signs a "waterboarding kit." Sarah Palin, a conservative commentator came out shortly after saying that she, too, had been duped after traveling across the country to meet someone who She thought she was a disabled person in a wheelchair. It was Cohen, whose particular comedy brand has long been involved with role-playing characters and surprised people.

Moore, who sues at least four of the women who accused her of sexual impropriety in the run up to the special senatorial elections of the 39, Alabama in 2017, blamed the "ghost media groups" for the project and emitted a vague threat of more litigation.

"If Showtime is broadcasting a slanderous character attack, I may very well be involved in another," he writes. "As for Mr. Cohen, whose art is trickery, deception and dishonesty, Alabama does not respect cowards with such traits! "

Leigh Corfman, who accused Moore of touching her sexually when she was 14, also filed a complaint.

In March, Moore launched a plea grievance officer asking supporters of financial aid to defend himself against Corfman's lawsuit

The content of the show and Moore's potential role on him were not immediately clear Showtime refused to Commenting on his comments or the series, which will premiere this weekend, rumors have circulated that people from all walks of life would appear, although only conservatives have expressed indignation in recent days. The revelations drew the attention of the media to the show.

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Sarah Palin flew over the country to talk about veterans. It was a joke of Sacha Baron Cohen

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