SADC Sends Envoy to End ZEC, Chamisa Fight


BULAWAYO – The Southern African Development Community (SADC) is sending this month Angolan Foreign Minister Manuel Domingos Augusto to end tensions between the MDC Alliance and the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC). Chamisa said at a rally in the second city of Bulawayo that they had written to the president of SADC, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa, inviting the regional body to intervene in their dispute with the ZEC on electoral preparations

. questions, including the design of the ballots and where they will be kept; privacy in the voting booth; postal vote; The ZEC's refusal to provide them with an array of voters with voter photos and an apparent failure of the ZEC to enforce the law on egalitarian party access.

Ramaphosa, according to Chamisa, sent the envoy. Angola is the current president of the SADC Defense, Peace and Security organ.

"We wrote to SADC to tell him that the same interference (former President Robert Mugabe) in the ZEC is still the same (President Emmerson) Mnangagwa does.He told thousands of enthusiastic supporters in White City Stadium Saturday

Chamisa said that SADC understood the critical situation of the opposition and hoped that the Foreign Affairs-led mission team The Minister will thoroughly assess the electoral situation when it arrives on Monday.

"We disagreed with the ZEC on the ballot and we said we did not want false ballots. We do not want a ghost ballot but we need an authentic and authentic ballot. We also had problems when ZEC told us that they had completed the printing process.

"But we want to know where they printed, with whom and at what time .ZEC should describe to us the whole process of printing.As a party, we said to the ZEC that she could not print during our absence, we have to be there to witness them, "he said.

ZEC says to have finished printing the newsletters voting has told the opposition that the case is now "water under the bridge."

Chamisa told supporters: "Our grievances relate to three issues. First of all the question of the ballot, we want a newsletter that has been tested and that is infallible against chromatography.

"I have sent my team to meet ZEC, which has to start printing again.If the resources do not permit, the least we are willing to do is test the ballots, batch by batch. we will agree, we will ensure the vote until they reach the voters.We will also want to change the color of the ink used to vote.If we had to vote using blue pens, we will ask to use red.We will see how the ZEC will decamp about it. "

Chamisa said that he had a meeting with the ZEC on Tuesday, warning that if the there was no agreement on the issues they raised.

"We said that we will keep a watch until ZEC honors our demands, which are our constitutional right.This is the reason for being of the liberation struggle. We will accept no nonsense.If we say the closure of Bulawayo, it will close, even with Harare, even this State House where Mnangagwa will operate will do the same, "he accused

Chamisa said that ZEC had also been dishonest, even going so far as to claim that the servers containing the voters "He was hacked."

He continued, "Why did the ZEC give the Zanu PF mobile phone numbers to voters, yet it did not provide us with the biometric data provided for by our law in the constitution? voting booth so that voters vote in the view of the voting officer, a measure that would remove the secrecy of the vote, violating the privacy of the voter. We also want the issue of postal votes to be dealt with because the police told us that they were voting in the presence of their elders, which violates the requirements of the Election Law. "

Demonstration of support … MDC Alliance supporters listen at Mkoba stadium in Gweru On Sunday, at a rally of Nelson Chamisa

President Emmerson Mnangagwa, came to power by a military coup last November, faces his first election to avoid a contested election that would not allow not to fill its deficit of legitimacy. ] Opinion polls show Mnangagwa and Chamisa side-by-side in the last week of the campaign.-Zimlive

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