Sagcot launches third pole in Morogoro


Morogoro. The Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor for Tanzania (SAGCOT) has launched the third group, namely Kilombero, which will cover the entire Morogoro region.

The launch of the third cluster will increase investment in agriculture in the region, which is one of the first food baskets.

Speaking at the cluster's launch this weekend, Agriculture Minister, Japhet Hasunga, said the government would continue to create a favorable environment, which would attract more investors into the world. the agricultural sector.

"We will ensure that the sector plays a central role in the industrialization of Tanzania," said the minister, noting that growth and development of agriculture would boost the growth of other sectors of the economy. 39; economy.

Mr Hasunga said the cluster's overall goal was to transform the sector by attracting both small and large farmers for commercial farming.

The other Sagcot clusters include the Ihemi cluster covering the Iringa and Njombe regions and the Mbalali cluster that covers the Mbeya and Songwe regions.

Two deputy ministers, namely Innocent Bashungwa and Omari Mgumba, as well as the regional commissioners for Mbeya, Iringa and Morogoro, also attended the launching ceremony of the Kilombero group.

Iringa Regional Commissioner Ali Hapi and his counterpart Mr. Mbeya, Mr. Albert Chalamila spent some time in detail on how Sagcot helped attract investment.

According to the director general of the Sagcot Center, Geoffrey Kirenga, at least $ 500 million has been invested in the Sagcot area since the beginning of the project.

"The goal is to invest $ 3.5 billion in the region until 2030," he said.

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