Scammers exploit a Chrome bug for browser hacking (again)


A bug in Google Chrome is again exploited by fraudsters.

The Chrome bug – corrected by Google in version 65 of Chrome but resurfaced in Chrome 67 – allows fraudsters to give users the impression Ars Technica reports that the technique first attracted the In February, it exploits a vulnerability that allows it to force the browser to save a file again and again, so fast that users do not realize what is happening. After 5-10 seconds, the browser freezes and issues a phone number for you to call for "support" to fix the problem.

The problem is also affecting Firefox users. The two companies told Ars Technica that they were aware of the problem and were working on it. In the meantime (and in general), if you receive a pop-up window from a website suggesting that your computer has problems, do not call that number. In most cases, the error can be resolved by forcing your browser or restarting your computer.

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