Schools related to Gülen in Africa: a lucrative way to exert political influence, to acquire economic power


Any attempt to understand the organizational structure of the Gülenist Terror Group (FETÖ), which the Turkish government holds responsible for the coup attempt of 15 July in 2016, generally results in their vast economic power across the country. world. Estimated at its peak at $ 25 billion in 2012, the terrorist group was considered an economic power with the support of its transnational network of commercial and corporate companies. A key element of this vast economic network is the school system operated by the group in the United States, Africa, the Balkans, Central Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia; virtually everywhere on earth. FETÖ's commercial and financial structure is focused on building schools in African countries, which had been French and British colonies from the 18th century until the second half of the 20th century.

Establishing educational institutions was the first step and bureaucratic influence in countries like Ethiopia or Gabon, which were fighting against arbitrary legal practices and corruption.

Promoting free education for children of the political elite, senior military officials and bureaucrats, FETÖ high-level positions in the countries. In an exchange with Daily Sabah, the President of the Turkish Maarif Foundation, Birol Akgün, stressed that FETÖ members are manipulating the political and economic structures of African countries to influence decision-makers. Professor Akgün also emphasized the economic dimensions of the destruction caused by worship under the disguise of education.

"The Maarif Foundation observed the suffering caused by the transparent operations of the FETÖ members in the schools it has taken" He said:

The Maarif Foundation is making immense efforts to take charge of these schools or establish transparent educational institutions on the continent. The president of the foundation pointed out that the moment the FETÖ schools are shut down, their influence on decision-makers and high-level politicians will fade away.

After being assured of influence in these countries, the second phase usually goes through the entry of Turkish entrepreneurs. in the countries. This is what the Turkish government officials who study the economic structure of religious worship observed in their investigations.

Business circles close to the Turkish Confederation of Businessmen and Industrialists (TUSKON), whose president and members strongly and closely links with the FETÖ by Turkish investigators, strongly engaged in the promotion of trade and investment in Africa.

The economic and financial operations of FETÖ in African countries are organized by professional associations like TUSKON. By contacting Turkish businessmen who want to invest and trade in Africa, they provide consulting services on how to start and run businesses on the continent and facilitate their operations through a guaranteed high bureaucratic influence. level.

FETÖ members demand donations from commercial and other companies.

Apart from the investigative reports and indictments prepared by Turkish prosecutors, David Shinn, former US Ambassador to Ethiopia and Assistant Professor in Ethiopia, wrote about TUSKON's relationship with FETÖ International Relations at Georgetown University, in his book titled "Hizmet" in Africa. Hizmet, which means service, is what the Gülenists call their group.

In the book, commissioned by the USA-based Rumi Forum and linked to FETÖ, Shinn specifically explains TUSKON's membership of the group

. At a FETÖ conference in Sao Paolo, Mr Shinn pointed out that "Hizmet's economic model in Africa relies mainly on financial support from supporters of the Turkish business community." He added that the group's commercial organizations continue to exist on the continent following the closure of TUSKON

TUSKON was raided by the police in November 2015 in an operation against FETO financiers. In October, the TUSKON trial began in Istanbul and 86 defendants, mostly businessmen, appeared in court and the president of the organization, Rızanur Meral, was tried in absentia with his honorary president. Fetullah Gülen, a cleric who lives in voluntary exile. Pennsylvania, United States

In a research report titled "Turkey's Engagement in Sub-Saharan Africa's Changing Alliances and Strategic Diversification," David Shinn writes that he There are close links between schools and Turkish sponsors.

"The key to success [the schools’] is the network they provide: Graduates in the Democratic Republic of Congo, for example, often speak Turkish and contribute to Turkey's commercial interests," he said. . Businessmen supporting Hizmet also operate a number of independent and informal business associations in separate African countries, for example South African companies in Turkey, the Association of Men of the United States. business and investors from Nigeria and Turkey and the Association of Turkish Ethio Entrepreneurs. Their main task is to organize African business delegations in Turkey and host Turkish business delegations, "said Shinn, an Ethiopian activist and independent journalist for Deutsche Welle. By establishing a network of political and economic alliance, FETÖ members rely on good relations with the high-ranking ruling elite such as members of the Tigray people. "Schools that provide free education to Children of the political, military and bureaucratic elite are one way to offer privileges and favors in the country, "Negash told Daily Sabah, while Negash said:" They are an excellent ground for understand the country's policy and access to policy makers. "In addition, FETÖ seeks to consolidate its network by organizing trips to Turkey and bringing together African politicians and bureaucrats with Businessmen affiliated with FETÖ. "These trips have been a useful way to pamper politicians and familiarize them with non-governmental organizations run by FETÖ," he said.

Negash also pointed out that companies related to FETÖ Ethiopia. Some of these companies are run by a joint venture in partnership with close relatives of the country's top TPLF politicians.

He also strongly emphasized that Gülen schools serve only very rich families. course. He explained that even middle-income groups can not afford the prices, adding that more than 90% of the Ethiopian population does not have enough money to send their children to Gülen schools.

In some cases, the Gülenists owned the local schools in an attempt to conceal its ties with FETÖ. For example, in March 2017, Nejashi's international ethno-Turkish schools were sold to a group of educators from Germany, whose identities were not revealed. Before the sale of schools, the Ethiopian government announced that schools, in which elite Ethiopian families would send their children, would be handed over to the Maarif Foundation in Turkey.

Officials said the FETÖ had sold the institution in an attempt to hand over. Selling the school network to a group of German educators was a "business decision," said Celil Aydin, a coordinator of Ethiopian schools.

The Chairman of the Turkish Maarif Foundation also pointed out that fraudulent sales of FETÖ- related schools in Africa or changing their partnership structures are among the latest worship operations.

Celil Aydin, education coordinator and deputy general manager of Kaynak Education and Medical Services PLC (the company that runs the Nejashi Ethio-Turks Schools), and two school principals who 39, he directs, reconvenne their connection to FETÖ

The Nejashi Ethio-Turkish Schools opened in 2008 and have six branches with kindergartens, primary schools, and secondary schools. Annual fees rise to more than $ 2,500 per child, an amount beyond the means of most Ethiopians.

The number of schools affiliated with FETÖ in 35 African countries exceeds 100 before the taking over of some of them by the Turkish Maarif. Foundation. The first school in Africa opened in Tangier in 1994. The first school in sub-Saharan Africa appeared in Senegal in 1997 followed by schools one year later in Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria. The first FETÖ school opened in Africa was in Tangiers in 1994. The first in Sub-Saharan Africa appeared in Senegal in 1997 followed by schools one year later in Kenya, Tanzania and Nigeria.

Currently, the Maarif Foundation in Turkey, which is responsible for Turkey's education activities abroad in coordination with the Ministry of National Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is leading operations to support FETÖ-related schools in African countries. The foundation currently manages 101 schools in different countries around the world.

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