Second Ebola outbreak in DRC – Democratic Republic of Congo


  • The number of Ebola cases in the ongoing epidemic is now second after the 2014 outbreak in West Africa;

  • The epidemic is far from being under control and should continue for at least six months.

Geneva, Switzerland, November 29, 2018 – Today, the Ebola epidemic in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has reached 426 cases, exceeding the number of cases recorded during the 2000-2001 Uganda epidemic and making it the second most serious of history after the 2014 outbreak in West Africa, which has left more than 11,000 dead. The emergency situation has been complicated by the ongoing conflict in North Kivu, where more than 50 armed groups operate and where the disease has spread to 14 health zones. To date, the epidemic has recorded 426 cases of infection, 245 deaths and a case-fatality rate of 57%.

On several occasions in recent months, the spikes of violence have forced the suspension of efforts to contain the spread of the disease. These security incidents, coupled with community resistance, make contact tracing, vaccination and community mobilization particularly difficult, compromising the success of response efforts. The case fatality rate is 57%, which is higher than what is commonly observed at this stage of an epidemic, especially since we have for the first time drugs for treatment and vaccines for prevention. , illustrating the challenges of disease control in the North Kivu region.

Michelle Gayer, Senior Director of Emergency Health at the International Rescue Committee, said, "This tragic step clearly shows the complexity and severity of the epidemic. Although the figures are far from those of West Africa in 2014, we can see how much conflict dynamics pose a different type of threat: a prolonged epidemic is very likely and the end is simply not in sight. The epidemic is far from being under control and it is highly likely that she will not be beaten until six months later. We fear that hundreds of other people are losing their lives in this epidemic.

"Intervention teams and health workers on the ground are facing the impact of years of violent conflict. Communities have endured years of insecurity that have often left them skeptical and fearful of the authorities. This hampers community engagement and, coupled with insecurity, means that people at risk can not always seek the care they need. We also experienced a number of temporary locks that resulted in the complete shutdown of health services. The sheer number of displaced people in the region – about one million people – further complicates the situation as the risk of transmission is higher and the crucial task of contact tracing is at best delayed and at worst impossible.

"This combination of insecurity, community resistance and disrupted or failing health services is a perfect storm for disease transmission. The international community must continue to pay attention to this crisis, otherwise it may worsen, resulting in additional loss of life and possibly spread across national borders. Yes, we must mobilize more funds and resources, but we must also deal with the consequences of the prolonged conflict in the DRC. We want to not only end this epidemic, but also protect and restore the health, life and dignity of people in this besieged region. Even if this is not the case, the vast population of this vast region will continue to suffer and will be the source of many epidemics that could threaten international health security. "

The International Rescue Committee is on the ground in North Kivu to strengthen infection control practices in 51 health facilities, as well as to train and mentor health workers to identify, isolate and return suspicious cases. Through existing teams in the region, the IRC strives to inform the community about the Ebola virus and to highlight the precautions to be taken and the measures to be taken in case of symptoms. IRC also provides specialized services to women and girls to solve the problems they face during the emergency situation. The work also aims to increase their access to Ebola services and to ensure that their opinions and experiences inform all Ebola interventions, including community and prevention work.

With more than 13 million people in need of assistance, the DRC is one of the world's most complex, chronic, and oldest humanitarian crises. IRC has been present in the DRC since 1996 and is a leading humanitarian player in North Kivu. It provides health care, the protection and empowerment of women, reproductive health and the protection of children to hundreds of thousands of people affected by conflict.

Notes to Editors:

To download photos of the IRC response to Ebola in North Kivu, click here.

For more information on CRI's response to Ebola, click here.

Previous significant epidemics of Ebola

West Africa 2014 – the largest in history: 28,610 cases, 11,308 deaths (39.5% mortality rate)

Uganda 2000 – Second most important in history: 425 cases, 224 deaths (52.7% mortality rate)

Yambuku, DRC 1976 – The largest and the first recorded in the DRC: 318 cases, 280 deaths (88.1% mortality rate)

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