Solid foods can help babies sleep longer


Researchers found that solid-fed babies slept earlier and woke less often at night and had less severe sleep problems than babies who were exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life. According to this study, these tips should be reviewed in light of the evidence that we have collected, "said lead author Gideon Lack, a professor at King's College London.

For the study published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics, researchers included 1303 three-month-old exclusively breastfed children, divided into two groups.

One group followed the normal infant feeding tips and was encouraged to breastfeed exclusively for about six months. The second group, while continuing to breastfeed, was asked to introduce solid foods.

Parents completed online questionnaires every month until their baby was 12 months and then every three months until three years old.

The questionnaires recorded the frequency of food consumption and included questions about the frequency and duration of breastfeeding, in addition to the duration of sleep.

Of the 1303 infants who participated in the study, 94% (1225) completed the triennial questionnaire. – 608 exclusive breastfeeding group and 607 early group introduction of the food group.

The differences between the two groups peaked at six months, the early introduction group sleeping for a quarter of an hour (16.6 minutes) more per night (almost two hours more per week ). His nocturnal waking frequency decreased from just over twice a night to 1.74

Reactions on maternal well-being showed that sleep problems (defined by parents), significantly associated with maternal quality of life, were less frequently observed in the group. introduction of solids before six months


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