Spotlight on racism from Ozil


Berlin – The decision of the German footballer Mesut Ozil to leave the national team for "racism and disrespect" with regard to his Turkish roots highlighted Monday the country's relations with its largest community immigrant.

Cem Ozdemir, the most important German politician of Turkish origin said that it would be difficult for the head of the national football association to remain in this role, adding that the departure Ozil would only be welcomed by those who opposed diversity

) on Monday rejected Ozil's allegations of racism against its president, Reinhard Grindel, in an angry letter of resignation. "We reject the idea that the DFB is associated with racism," reads a statement.

"The DFB is synonymous with diversity, from top representatives to the boundless dedication of grassroots people."

Ozil's Announcement on Social Media Last Sunday led national newspapers to erase their first pages for the 29-year-old midfielder, who was a key member of the World Cup side in 2014 and also of the eliminated side at the group stage of the 2018 tournament in Russia [19659002TheplayerwhowascriticizedfortakinghisphotowiththeauthoritarianTurkishPresidentRecepTayyipErdoganinMaywasparticularlystungbyGrindel'scriticswhohesaidblamedhim"InGrindel'sandhissupporters'eyesI'mGermanwhenwewinbutI'manimmigrantwhenwelose"writesOzilHesaidthathewasfaithfultohisTurkishandGermanoriginsandinsistedthathehadnointentionofmakingapoliticalstatementbyappearingwithErdoganjustbeforethefinalsoftheWorldCup

"I have two hearts, a German and a Turkish." Ozdemir, former leader of the Greens party, said it would be difficult for Grindel to do his job in the future given the diversity of the reality of Germany and its football team

"Grindel does not reflect It is therefore difficult for German Turks, or even German Croats, to think that the DFB belongs to them."

The former president of the DFB, Theo Zwanziger, said in German media that the DFB had not done enough to resolve the conflicts before the World Cup. "Communication errors mean that something should never happen to migrants: they should never feel like second-class Germans." The resignation of Ozil is a major setback for the efforts to integrate beyond football. "

the majority of the 3 million people with Turkish roots living in Germany were well integrated, and said people from immigration were welcome in Germany and added that the German Chancellor felt Ozil.

The political debate in Germany is about an influx of 1.6 million migrants since mid-2014, which has fueled the far-right Alternative for Germany to the detriment of traditional parties. also exposed the differences of opinion on the country's large Turkish community.

Just as the victorious German side of 2014 was celebrated for its diversity, the World Cup team in 2018 for its many Players with African roots But the Bild newspaper accused Ozil of "pure self-pity" and his editor emphasized his decision to publish in English, accusing him of trying to maximize his audience. 1965 9002] In Turkey, however, politicians have praised the player to those who said he abused it.

Reuters, AFP

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