Startups across Africa to benefit from their relationship with Liquid Telecom


  Liquid Telecom, Afrilabs, GitHub, Ben Roberts,

Liquid Telecom is increasingly involving in the African technological ecosystem. This is evident through their partnership and support for technology startups and the hubs that incubate them. Liquid Telecom took a notch higher. The platform announced its new collaboration with Afrilabs is a platform with more than 100 technology hubs in 30 countries in Africa. Afrilabs has more than 200,000 entrepreneurs. Through this partnership, Liquid Telecom will provide connectivity to all Africalabs hubs across countries in which the telecommunications giant is present. In addition, Liquid Telecom has partnered with Microsoft to provide cloud services to the hubs. Startups between hubs will also have a chance to access the Azure platform.

Microsoft is known for being business-oriented rather than startup-oriented. This is not a bad thing though, but there has always been a disconnect between start-up needs and the proportion of tech giants who are the business majors. The partnership between Liquid Telecom and Microsoft is vital for African startups. That's because Microsoft has a presence and a track record on the continent compared to any other cloud service provider. Microsoft products such as Office are available on the cloud with Office 365 are the most known solutions for African companies. In addition, Liquid Telecom is the largest provider of pan-African connectivity. We can therefore say that it is an important partnership. But there is still doubt that Microsoft is good for African startups.

It was not long ago that Microsoft bought GitHub, a development platform for developers. The platform offers Microsoft a good entry into the startup scene. The agreement was initiated through the partnership between Microsoft and Liquid Telecom. That's because Liquid has a lot of its focus on the startup industry. Liquid Telecom mainly supports its future customers and strengthens the relationship earlier. The move is a victory for hubs and startups. Startups have got the name since they can evolve. The telecom giant makes the relationship before scale and offers support to startups to extend it. Once the scale of the startups used, they will use the offers and infrastructure of Liquid Telecom such as Azure.

Every cloud service provider still wishes to have had the chance to have the relationship with Netflix and Facebook before scaling up. Liquid being the next African Netflix or Facebook makes sure that startups have the relationship they want. Most African startups are at a disadvantage because they are not always able to grow quickly and have to buy from other countries. This can be more difficult for busy startups who are empty about the bureaucracy and bureaucracy that accompanies cross-border networks. Being a pan-African relationship with Liquid will help start-ups overcome a number of challenges they've encountered.

In addition, the telecom giant offers digital skills training to Afrilabs startups. This is important for hubs in their journey towards achieving their goals. According to Liquid's technical director, Ben Roberts, Liquid Telecom is dedicated to scaling up African startups. The platform has already supported many startups through its innovation partnership initiative. He added that the partnership with Afrilabs would help push the initiative of the platform to the next level.

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Denis the Tech Guru

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