NAIROBI, Kenya, 9 Jul – Students involved in criminal activities will face severe punishment while the government prepares to reduce the unrest that ravaged seven boarding schools
arsonist will not be admitted to public universities and will miss scholarship scholarship recommendations while their certificates of exit will carry their criminal record .
Amina Mohamed, secretary of the Ministry of Education, said that preliminary investigations have shown that the most recent troubles have been brought about by rigorous scrutiny rules aimed at eradicating cheating in the next few years. national examinations and general cases of indiscipline. has intensified field visits by officials, including the Cabinet Secretary who will visit areas that reported the highest cases of unrest, "she said at a press briefing at Jogoo House
"The Ministry of Education has intensified surveillance in our schools and taken steps to ensure that normal teaching and learning resume in affected schools."
to prevent the threat from spreading, CS Mohamed heads the boarding school will double the number of teachers in office over the next two weeks and strengthen supervision, especially when students begin their evening classes.
She also instructs quality assurance officers from all counties to file daily reports.According to her, three students from Siakago Boys in Embu were jailed for one year on probation, while another 125 appeals belonging to different schools were stopped during the last week. intensify the repression of all the brains of the recent unrest.
She said that the three students of Siakago Boys can only attend a day school as they report to the local chief.
– Plans for the National Examinations –
On the next national examinations scheduled for October and November, CS Mohamed assured the country of the preparation of the government.
She said that the Ministry had launched a national exercise of pre-examination surveillance "
" Already, the Ministry has drawn up the list of areas that require increased attention and all systems are directed to these areas ", assured CS
"The department will not be distracted from all loopholes. Make sure the exams are credible. We conduct unhindered and impromptu surveillance of all examination centers to monitor examinations using combined teams of multi-agency government actors. "
This year, Kenya's National Examination Board (KNEC) installed 40 new containers – the distance traveled by center managers to pick up and file exam papers in large counties.
She warned the public against deceiving the cartels.
"It will be impossible for anyone to break the security systems already in place to access examination materials, in any form whatsoever. That is. "Already, the detectives are pursuing individuals purporting to target gullible parents and students, on the pretext that they can issue leaks in exchange for money.
The director of Criminal Investigations (DCI), George Kinoti, has since warned students against the destruction of school property, which will be reflected in their certificate of good conduct when they ask for one.
archiving and consolidation of fra It can be preferred against every student in primary and secondary schools, colleges and universities who may be involved in crime.
"Let every student be informed that it will automatically be reflected on the certificate of"
Some of the crimes described include arson, drug use, aggression related to cyberbullying, drunkenness or any other type of crime reported.
In 2016, 483 incidents of unrest were reported, including 239 arson incidents, with the majority of incidents occurring at 88, 8% in the second quarter. [19659006] Of 283 buildings burned down in 2016, 188 were dormitories leading to the arrest of more than 1000 students.
In the past, such cases have cost the lives as in 1999 , when four prefects of Nyeri High School were locked in their box and set on fire
In 2001, some 68 students died following a dormitory fire at Kyanguli High School. [19659026] / * <! [CDATA[ */
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