Sugar exports increase during the crackdown


Sugar exports in six months to June almost tripled, indicating that some of the cheap imports that flooded the market during the period could have been shipped.

Sugar Directorate data indicate that exports reached 1,034 tonnes compared to 277 tonnes in the same period last year, a jump of 273%.

Only a strong growth was registered with 1003 tons exported at the time the government began to confiscate

"The total sugar exported between January and June 2018 was 1,034 tons against 277 tons at the same time. 39, last year, "says the report.

Government agencies cracked down on illegal sugar with more than a million kilograms confiscated. ] Kenya is a deficit producer and most of the production is for local consumers. At the same time, Kenyan sugar is expensive and therefore unattractive for export.

Kenya was accused last year by regional states of importing duty-free sugar and then selling products to neighboring countries

. and Uganda on the duty – free window released last year has allowed millers, traders and manufacturers to bring the goods outside the common market for Africa 's l'. East and Southern Africa (Comesa).

Kampala and Dar es Salaam The Ministry of Finance abolished customs duties on goods last year, after a sharp drop in production, which saw the price rise to 400 shillings per two kilogram pack.

Kenya produces about 600 000 tonnes of sugar a year compared to an annual consumption of 870 000 tonnes. The sugar deficit is generally covered by strictly controlled imports from the Comesa trading block, where Kenya allows a quota of 300,000 tonnes.

Kenya obtained a two-year extension after making a request last week at the Comesa meeting in Zambia. . The new guarantees will begin in February, once the current end.

A joint committee composed of Comesa officials will monitor the implementation of the extension of the guarantees and determine, after two years, whether the quota should be renewed.

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