Tanzania: A man jailed for three years for 300,000 people – bribe


The Nkasi District Court in Rukwa District sentenced Daud Mwakalipula, veterinary officer of Kipande District, to three years' imprisonment after being found guilty of soliciting and paying bribe of 300,000 / -.

Upon reading the verdict, resident magistrate Ramadhan Rugemalira testified before the court that the convicted person had been convicted under section 15 (1) (a) and (2) of the Office for the Prevention and Punishment Act. the fight against corruption.

The decision was read before the PCCB prosecutors, Ms. Saida Salumu and Mr. Simon Mapunda. "This court has been satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt.

The evidence and evidence presented by the witnesses summoned by the prosecution has sufficiently proved that the accused had received the bribe, "he said.

"I sentenced the accused to pay a fine of 700,000 / – or serve three years in prison for the first charge and pay a fine of 800,000 / – or serve a sentence of three years in the second leader, "he said.

Earlier, the prosecutor of PCCB had accused in court that the accused had committed the offense on November 19, 2017 and had been brought to trial for the first time on February 1 of this year.

In court, the accused allegedly sought and received a $ 300,000 bribe from Kahana John so that the former could release the cow's herd of cows, seized after illegally entering the village of Nkundi. in the district of Kipande.

The accused did not pay the fine and was sent to prison to serve his sentence.

After making his decision, Rukwa Regional PCCB Commander Hamza Mwenda told "Daily News" that officials must always comply with the law and regulations in their daily work.

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