Tanzania: Another Chadema Diehard jumps a ship


In the wake of the massive defection of Opposition Council members and opposition Chadema deputies in Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), academicians advised key leaders The (Chadema) party's party of

The defection wave of yesterday saw the Ukonga constituency MP Mr. Mwita Waitara move from opposition to the CCM to power, which has prompted Master Benson Bana, a senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM) assert that the defection of more than 50 councilors and three MPs in a few years was not a normal issue.

"The main leaders of the opposition must find out where they are wrong and seek a quick solution.

Building a stable institutional system for the party is a long and very complicated journey, even if there are challenges, this is not a normal situation for all party members to continue. "Dr. Bana emphasized that senior leaders, whether they are founders or newcomers, should work together and consider the kind of leadership that governs the party."

After the change of Mr. Waitara, Dr. Bana estimated that the National Electoral Commission (NEC) and the political party registration office had to determine whether Chadema could still benefit from the 36 million / monthly months received.

Declaring his decision to move to CCM yesterday in Dar es Salaam In the presence of the CCM's Secretary of Advertising and Ideology, Mr. Humphrey Polepole, the former MP for Ukonga, Mr. Waitara, said he made the decision to release his supporters / voters

without specifying what "liberation" entails, said: "I can not continue to live with hypocrites.I can not stand prison and the dramatic life.

For more than ten years, I stayed in Chadema, I missed the freedom to collaborate with the government in development activities, "he said

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