Tanzania: Cooperative Farmers' Health Insurance Program


Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa yesterday launched a tailor-made health insurance program, "Fao La Ushirika Afya", aimed at farmers operating as part of cooperatives, to expand the insurance coverage. health insurance to citizens.

million. Majaliwa issued 20 cards on behalf of 259 farmers who joined the initiative.

The farmers who joined the new project at the launching ceremony came from various primary cooperative societies. According to the prime minister, the project, designed by the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF) and the Tanzania Cooperative Development Commission (TCDC), aims to provide health insurance coverage to farmers in cooperatives.

Each member will be required to pay 75,000 / – and 50,000 / – for each child per year, which will allow them to have access to medical care in all establishments of He explained that according to the figures available, there were 10,522 cooperative unions in the country with 2,234,000 members, 35% of whom had contracted the disease, but "We all know that farmers earn money on a seasonal basis, so with this system health security, they will have access to health care throughout the year, "he said.

Formerly the General Director of NIFIFMBernardKongaaddeclarednewregimetothiswideagainstaturalhealthof Tanzanian waters in the agricultural sector

In the meantime, Prime Minister Majaliwa issued a stern warning to all cooperative leaders. rooted behavior of maladministration, including embezzlement and theft of public property.

The Prime Minister issued a warning in the Shinyanga area on Monday, talking to residents of Kangeme village in Ulow. a district in Kahama district, during which he also inaugurated the community health program and the National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF).

million. Majaliwa said the government had decided to revive cooperatives to achieve the main goal of releasing the

"We have decided to restore the lost glory of cooperative societies to help farmers." I urge leaders "They should never think that they are there for their personal benefit," warned Prime Minister Majaliwa, who ordered the commander to Shinyanga Simon Haule Regional Police will arrest nine AMCOS leaders, a cooperative society of Ushetu District Council in Kahama District.

The order was motivated by a report he received, centered on the loss of 21,000 US dollars (about 48 million). to the cooperative society.

"Pick up all these people to interrogate them.First, I want them to repay the farmers money.So they do not, put them in detention," ordered the Prime Minister visibly agitated

It all started after the prime minister summoned the leaders of the cooperative to advance during the meeting before it happened .. Later, RPC Haule mentioned the wanted people as the president of AMCOS, Shilinde Abdallah, his treasurer, Kulwa Shinzi and seven members of the board of directors.

The leader of the Kahama Cooperative Union (KACU), Emmanuel Wananchi lashed out at Mr. Hohananchi when he was arrested. he pointed out that the price of tobacco was good.

The Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Charles Tizeba, said that farmers were poorly paid because of the deliberate misclassification of tobacco. delivered in 2014.

The P Prime Minister emphasized that the government wanted cooperatives to be run by loyal leaders. "In any cooperative Therefore, we need to have loyal and credible leaders," he said, adding, "The farmers here complained of being underpaid for their products while their leaders were pocketing them. "

He advises farmers to refrain from entering into contracts with companies to avoid being legally obliged to sell them tobacco after harvests.

In another development, Prime Minister Majaliwa said that the government had built 108 health centers. He gave the government's commitment yesterday when he laid the foundation stone for the construction of a health center at Chele Village in Msalala District Council, Kahama District. 19659025] var FBIsLoaded = false;
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