Tanzania: Dar-Wins Waste Treatment Company Wins Tenders for Cleanliness in Dodoma City


The waste management company DAR ES SALAAM, Green Waste Pro Limited, has won a bid for Dodoma City to remain clean next month. The move puts an end to the city council's tradition of using community groups for cleanliness.

The chief environmental officer of the city council, Mr. Dickson Kimaro, said recently that the waste management company will discharge its responsibilities in eight neighborhoods in the capital. He named Tambukareli, Kiwanja cha Ndege, Madukani, Uhuru, Majengo, Viwanda, Kilimani and Makole districts.

million. Kimaro said the community groups will continue to operate in the other 35 neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city, Green Waste Pro Limited will use waste management machines to keep the city clean.

"Hiring the waste management company to take responsibility for cleanliness aims to improve cleanliness in the city," he said. Mr. Abdallah Mbena, director of operations at Green Waste Pro Limited, said his company was determined to improve cleanliness in the capital, boasting modern machines to carry out its tasks.

According to Mr. Mbena, Green Waste Pro Limited has several areas of the city as stated in the contract to keep the city clean, adding that the company will ensure that Dodoma leads the other cities in terms of cleanliness.

worked in the municipality of Ilala in the city of Dar es Salaam and in the city of Mwanza, noting that Dodoma becomes the third city of its operations.

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