Tanzania: Debt repayment to Suma-JKT remains slim


REPAYMENT of debts at the National Service Investment Wing, Suma-JKT, is still weak with the latest figures showing that only six percent and 24.8 percent debts for tractors and security services, respectively

In May this year, President John Magufuli issued an ultimatum to public and private institutions as well as individuals to settle the debts owing at 38.3 billion euros.

Out of a total of 38 billion / – is for tractors and 3.4bn / – is for security services. Due to the rate of repayment of the snail by the defaulting parties, the company has issued a notice to all the defaulters warning that its debt collection unit, Suma-JKT Auction Mart will proceed with legal procedures to recover the debts. ;money.

Suma-JKT, Brig. General Charo Yateri warned the defaulters of the administrative and judicial proceedings that they would not be able to settle the debts.

"Suma-JKT continues to remind those who have not paid their debts to fulfill their obligations," said the boss of Suma-JKT. Speaking at an event organized in May to launch a Suma-JKT-owned factory at Mgulani Barracks in Dar es Salaam, President Magufuli issued a 30-day ultimatum

He furthermore ordered the security and defense organs, including the Tanzanian People's Defense Forces (TPDF), to take action to recover the amount owed.

Dr. Magufuli also headed the Minister of Defense and National Service. Mwinyi, to serve all public institutions with letters demanding that they pay their debts for the SUMA JKT security services provided to them.

Available figures show that tractors worth $ 40bn / – were loaned to a public Private institutions as well as individuals, some of whom are members of Parliament, but only $ 2 billion. euros have been recovered by the company up to now.

Last month, the president of the National Assembly, Mr. Job Ndugai, had urged the parliamentarians who are part of defaulting debtors to fulfill their obligations.

President Ndugai revealed that he had considered forwarding their names to the accounts department of the National Assembly to directly deduct funds from their salaries only to discover that their packages

He explained furthermore, that Suma-JKT wrote to the Office of the President to remind members of Parliament who had acquired the loan tractors to repay the funds.

Assembly on Monday, June 04, 2018, the President said that he had the names of all the deputies who did not honor their terms of repayment and asked them to repay as needed.

The Suma JKT tractor project in 201 0 aimed to complement the initiative of the Kilimo Kwanza (Agriculture) government by providing Tanzanian farmers with tractors and other agricultural equipment at affordable prices.

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