Tanzania: Electoral Commission Sets Buyungu Partial Election for August 12


The National Electoral Commission (NEC) announced the by-election in the Buyungu constituency in the Kigoma region, following the death of legislator Mr. Kasuku Bilago (Chadema) .

which will take place on August 12, will be held with the re-election of councilors in 79 constituencies in 24 regions of the country.

CEN President, Judge (retired) Semistocles Kaijage said yesterday in Dar es Salaam, 3 billion euros would be spent on election preparations. He said the reelection campaigns would start on July 15 and end on August 11.

"The Commission took various initiatives in preparation for the by-election for the re-election of the Member of Parliament and the 79 councilors."

According to Justice Kaijage, there will be 44 election managers, 88 deputy supervisors and 44 election officials at the constituency level.

At the constituency level, 184 assistant supervisors will be served and 1,601 managers will be present.

The number of supervisors and assistant supervisors mentioned excludes polling station assistants, security guards and political party agencies.

Judge Kaijage expressed on the sidelines of the meeting NEC-Political Parties City to discuss and deliberate on various issues regarding the upcoming by-election for the Buyungu constituency and 79 neighborhoods.

Commenting on the voting process, Judge Kaijage said the by-elections he said that the electorate will use the same polling stations in by-elections, insisting that voters should visit the stations they use. in 2015 national. election to vote for Buyungu MP and councilors.

"In the by-election, we will use the permanent voter registration (PVRB) used in 2015," he said, adding that eligible voters in the upcoming by-elections will be those who are registered in the PVRB used in the 2015 national elections.

"Eligible voters for the next by-elections are those whose names are recorded in the 2015 PVRB for use at the same polls as the case"

Judge Kaijage stated that eligible voters whose voting cards are lost or damaged will be allowed to vote through their national identity card, passport or driver's license. respect the electoral ethical values ​​during the by-election process provided for in the election laws to avoid unnecessary chaos that may occur during the re-election process.

In another development, NEC's new Chief Electoral Officer, Mr. Athuman Kiamia, promised to ensure that irregularities in the polls are eliminated.

One of the areas where political parties impose irregularities during the polls is to have political agencies to oversee the electoral process.

with the electoral law) are only allowed to appoint and provide the names of the bodies to the electoral body (NEC) which has the mandate to continue the procedure.

million. Kiamia said that political parties tend to appoint their agencies and present them at polling stations, which goes against the requirements of the electoral law.

In addition, he called on political parties to participate in future elections to name and present the names of their agencies to the electorate before the polling date to avoid inconvenience.

Meanwhile, the National Executive Committee (NEC) of the ruling CCM party approved Christopher Chiza for The decision was taken at a meeting of the CEN held yesterday in Dar es Salaam

The meeting was presided over by President John Magufuli

. Secretary for Advertising and Ideology Humphrey Polepole, committee members also commended President Magufuli for the effective implementation of the party's election manifesto.

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