Tanzania: Government plans to raise the level of public education in insurance


The Government plans to incorporate the aspect of public education insurance as it revisits the policy of housing and human settlements .

Speaking to "Daily News" here over the weekend, Deputy Lands Minister Angelina Mabula said that massive insurance for property developers and homeowners will be highly regarded in the policy being considered.

She said that an emphasis on property insurance comes as evidence shows that very few Tanzanians have insurance coverage on their residential and commercial houses, the situation that calls for to a massive national strategy on the issue.

She was talking shortly after addressing the insurance stakeholders at the celebration of Insurance Day marked here for the first time here.

instead of waiting for people to come for their own services.

"General remains poor in our country that pushes the government to include it in the future national agenda especially in real estate development.

Special education is necessary for developers and homeowners to to ensure that their units are insured, "said Deputy Minister

She challenged insurance companies operating in the Lake District and elsewhere in the country to be creative and proactive in ensuring that the public is well informed about insurance coverage issues

. In addition, the insurance could also reserve the room in the proposed Real Estate Regulatory Agency which should be operational before the end of the fiscal year.

Among others, the authority will be responsible for overseeing the issues related to rental services, regulating rental fees, quality of homes and tenant safety.

The Deputy Minister was of the opinion that the aspect of insurance would be On behalf of the Regional Commissioner, Mr. John Mongella, Mwanza Regional Administrative Secretary (RAS), Eng Warioba Sanya said the time had come for the housing sector to be safe and secure for the tenants and the economy of the country. He said the region is a potential and deserves to be explored to the fullest, but only when companies are innovative and able to provide timely and effective services to their customers.

The regional director of the national insurance company, Mr. Lugano Stratton, said that 18 insurance companies participated in the event whose idea was launched by the Deputy Minister and were ready to conduct more awareness campaigns on insurance and related products. here for the first time in history, but we have been inspired by the messages communicated, asking us to do more by ensuring that we age we will do that, "he said. According to the Insurance Regulatory Authority of Tanzania (TIRA), insurance companies operating in the Lake District have a trading volume of more than 30 billion / year

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