Tanzania: Government promises electrification of all islands


Mafia – The government through the Ministry of Energy has developed a strategy that will allow the electrification of all the islands of the country through renewable energy.

This was revealed by the deputy minister, Ms. Subira Mgalu, on the weekend during her Mafia tour where she inspected the implementation of some energy projects

Talking with mafia residents of different regions, the minister assured them that the government was committed to providing them with sustainable energy. In order to stimulate industrial activities in all the islands

According to her, the project should begin in September by providing solar panels to all public institutions of the islands to improve their services. For its part, the representative of the director general of the Agency for Rural Energy (Rea), Mr. Hussein Shamdas, said that the study for the supply of the panels has already been finalized and that the project will start in September without delay.

"Right now, we are looking for a place where solar plants will be installed," he said.

In addition, he stated that the power plants that will be installed will have the same capacity as that of diesel and water. 19659008] During her tour, the minister handed over two sets of lamps that use solar energy at a clinic that she visited in the districts to help improve service delivery.

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