Tanzania hints at ambitious oil and gas projects before summit – The Exchange


DAR ES SALAAM, JULY 27, 2018 – Tanzania positions itself as the leading natural gas exporter in East Africa to promote industrialization and economic development of the country and the region.

explore possible partnerships to develop its oil and gas sector before the second Tanzanian Oil and Gas Congress, to be held in Dar es Salaam from September 24 to 25.

READ: What to expect at the Tanzania Oil and Gas Congress? September

Tanzania, which holds most of East Africa's gas resources, is keen to execute major projects including US $ 175 billion in US gas projects in Africa. , where US companies should invest in nine African projects.

Tanzania aims to use the international forum to be held at the Hyatt Regency in Dar Es Salaam, Kilimanjaro, to present investment opportunities.

will bring together government and industry stakeholders who will be used to build partnerships between local and international businesses.

According to an official statement, the conference will explore, among other things, the strategic importance of East African Crude Oil (EACOP) providing a number of opportunities in the oil value chain and associated sectors, as well as the latest developments in its gas projects.

Energy Minister Medard Kalemani will outline the vision of Tanzanian industrialization fueled by oil and gas

The government departments of the sector, including the Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation (TPDC), the Upstream Petroleum Regulatory Authority (PURA), the Regulatory Authority for Energy and Water (EWURA) are working closely on the modalities. that Tanzania can implement key projects in the sector with support

The National Economic Empowerment Council also supports the government's initiative to make Tanzania a regional leader in the oil and gas sector.

The conference is organized by the CWC Group in collaboration with Pietro Fiorentini Tanzania

CWC Group is a recognized global expert in the sectors of liquefied natural gas (LNG), oil and gas, energy and investments, with particular expertise in emerging markets.

The Tanzania and East Africa Region Project, Tanzania, will use the forum to find the best way to realize megaprojects on gas and liquefied natural gas

]. Tanzania, gas monetization as a driver of industrialization and economic development, local content and job creation ensuring sustainable development in Tanzanian oil and gas projects "

The country will also encourage government and industry collaboration to advance projects by carefully examining how to ensure project efficiency and competitiveness as well as downstream projects and infrastructure development in Tanzania. 62% of the gas resources of Africa where at least 14 African countries have reserves.

US companies are expected to lead energy projects in Kenya, South Africa, Angola, Ghana, Nigeria and Senegal. , Cote d Ivoire, Mozambique and Tanzania.

Nicknamed the "Gas Road Map for Sub-Saharan Africa," the initiative launched in Washington DC in June this year aims to harness natural gas in Africa, with the use of power plants. electric gas. as the engine of industrialization.

The project that aims to add about 16,000 MW of gas-fired electricity to the continent by 2030 is being overseen by the US Agency for Development – US Agency for International Development (USAID). ).

Tanzania's natural gas reserves are estimated at 55.08 trillion cubic feet. It aims to increase the use of gas in its energy mix currently dominated by hydropower, which represents 562MW of the country's total generating capacity of about 1754 MW

The thermal, diesel and gas combined generate at least 748 MW for the country. Other sources include Solar, Wind and Biomas. The country also has potential for geothermal energy.

The commissioning of the US $ 344 million Kinyerezi II power plant, launched last April by President John Magufuli, boosted his quest for increased electricity generation. use of gas

. It was built with the support of Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation and Japan Bank for International Corporation (JBIC), which advanced the credit facility to the periphery of Dar es Salaam to US $ 292 million. Government

The government is expanding the project into two additional phases – Kinyerezi III and IV which aim to generate a combined power of 1,050 MW.

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