Tanzania: Husbands kill women while their wife chops on the virility of a husband


Bukoba – Inchola Burchard, a villager from Kituntu in the Karagwe district, aged 32, suffers serious injuries as a result of the separation of her "virility" by her wife.

Kagera Regional Police Commander Revocatus Malimi named the suspect as Nyakato Burchard, 28, who was arrested while police continued his investigation.

He explained that the victim had been admitted to the Nyakahanga District Hospital (DDH), adding that the suspect would be prosecuted at the end of the investigations.

In the second incident, Kemilembe Paulo (30), a resident of Kikorokoro village, Kyerwa district, was killed by her jealous husband, Kadogi Kabisha, 32, and under the police, who participated in the investigations. .

According to CPP Malimi, the couple had gone out for a drink in a pub near the weekend but after taking several bottles of beer, the accused became violent against his wife, accused of being in love with 39, another man.

He punched her, causing her to collapse before she died, while she was taken to the nearby Isingiroi Hospital.

In another incident, 27-year-old Advera Eliud, a villager from Kilela in the Muleba district, was killed by her jealous husband, Eliud Gervas, who has been hiding ever since.

The CPP stated that the murder was committed on April 15 of this year around 10 pm when Gervas, who had gone to Kahama for mining activities, returned home, accusing his wife of being in love. from another man.

Gervas allegedly assaulted Advera with the help of an iron rod, breaking his foot and left arm before escaping in the dark.

The police are looking for the suspect, he said. CPP Malimi strongly warned against legalization, urging all aggrieved individuals to report their complaints to nearby police stations so that the necessary measures can be taken.

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