Tanzania is a popular government, not otherwise


When President John Magufuli invited retired leaders to a public meeting, many questions were raised. Among them, the satisfaction of former leaders with the performance of Dr. Magufuli. However, one thing seemed to bode well for some aspects of the government's identity. This is because there have been government mistakes where the overly used narrative is that the current government is that of Magufuli but not that of CCM or that of Tanzania.

Legally and procedurally, after the assertion of the winner in presidential elections, either a party or a person, the government ceases to be the property of the winner. Instead, it becomes the property of the people who voted it. The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania, Cap. 2 Article 6 of Law No. 15 of 1984 clearly states that "… the Government includes the Government of the United Republic, the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar, the local authorities and any person who exercises the power or authority in the name of either the "government" "

There is not a single mention of the CCM government or the Magufuli government." There is no ambiguity here Constitutionally and legally, that is how the government is known, is and must be mentioned for issues of documents, functions and identification.

This provision is Clearly, forgiving, parodying or politicizing the government is not only illegal but unusual, so to speak, and thanks to such a disposition and to others, President Magufuli has often hammered out the message of Equality and unity by stating that he is the president of all Tanzanians despite their diverging ideologies and all that jazz

This can be interpreted as the repugnance of Magufuli's charlatans. shooters and cable shooters inside or outside his government who, dubiously and purposefully, to obtain favors, attribute to him the government of the URT in place of the people. Unfortunately, many self-proclaimed praise singers and self-scholars who deliberately attribute the government to Magufuli think they are doing him good and justice.

Without doubt, for such children and hunters, doing what they do is meant to please Magufuli. philosophically denied such as ballyhoos, hoo-a and soft-soaping.

Refer to how Magufuli deny the offer to name the Kigamboni Bridge after him. Instead, he named the bridge after Mwalimu Nyerere. In addition, Magufuli recently revealed that the government intends to name Tazara's flyover after Eng. Mfugale. If he was a self-researcher and a populist cut as his detractors paint and portray him, he would have urged his officers to name the flyover after himself. In addition, refer to how Magufuli mortified the Frankenstein who wanted to rock him in the handling of the constitution in order to illegally hang in power.

Therefore, those who give wrong to the URT government do so either out of arrogance or ignorance. the reasons). So, this column differs from former President Benjamin Mkapa who said he would like to hear people referring to the current government as the Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) government. This shows that Mkapa has never detached from his past when he was president. He would like his style to be reproduced. The World Statesman, encyclopedia.com quotes Mkapa as saying "my government is a CCM government". Far from it

Admittedly, the governments of Mkapa and its predecessors and successors were formed by the CCM. Nevertheless, this does not give the CCM an exclusive right to monopolize or politicize the said government. It is nothing more than deliberately stealing the government from its owners, the Tanzanians. It's illegal and obnoxious by any standards.

All in all, now we must ask ourselves. Who is the government of Tanzania? As stated above, the constitution correctly answers this question. The government of the United Republic of Tanzania belongs to the Tanzanian people simply because the government and its creator, the constitution, draw their powers from the people (Art.8: 1 (a)). This is the reason why Tanzania spends billions of dollars every five years to obtain the consent of the Tanzanian people.

Therefore, any attribution contrary to what is stipulated in the constitution is not only unlawful but also the violation and trampling of the said constitution of the earth.

Provided that the constitution is clear about who the URT government belongs to, we must address other important issues that we advise to thersites, who seek to paint Magufuli as a dictator or self-ruler. researcher, stop deceiving our people and wasting their time.

Now that we know the truth, let's stop misleading and divert our government to a party or a person. The Government of Tanzania is the Tanzanian Government, namely the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

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