Tanzania: Kishapu villagers get clean water


At least 13,000 inhabitants of the villages of Maganzo and Masagala will now enjoy clean, safe water after the completion of the construction of a project. Prepaid water in the area.

which cost more than $ 1bn / – was implemented in Kishapu District of Shinyanga Region. The prepaid water project was funded by the UK Development Fund (HDIF).

The innovative technology of prepaid water was developed by the Dutch-based social enterprises Susteq and the project was entrusted to the District Commissioner of Kishapu (DC). Mrs Nyabaganga Talaba recently

Mr. Peter Matyoko, who spoke on behalf of the Resident Manager of Invest in Children and Their Societies (ICS), said the system was focused on developing a viable and scalable business. potential for sustainability by reducing non-income water.

The community of Maganzo and the village of Masagala depended on the purchase of water from water vendors at 500 / – for 20 liters. The water was extracted from the mining sites of Mwadui, about three kilometers away

Through the prepaid water project, community members created the Maganzo Authority of the city. Water and Sanitation (MAGAWASA) to manage the project. by which the community buys 20 liters of water at 35 / –

Ms. Talaba said that her office will ensure that the project is well preserved. She urged the community to protect the water infrastructure so that the water problem can be solved once and for all.

Kishapu District Council President Boniphase Butondo also promised protection for the project by saying that every Mwananchi should play his role. make sure there is no damage.

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