Tanzania is finally preparing to attack fictitious tour operators who siphon millions of dollars out of unsuspecting tourist portfolios.
State now says unscrupulous tour operators not only damage the reputation of the country overseas, but also create unfair competition to players who comply.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism, the General Gaudence Milanzi, said in a statement that "
" The idea is to severely punish false travel organizers to serve as a lesson to others with a similar mind, "warned Major General Milanzi [19659005Therearemorethan1401tourismcompaniesofficialdatabuttherearealso517formalbusinessesthatcomplywiththelawtherestleavingunsuspectingtouristsgoingintothebusiness[19659003] Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) The Arusha Regional Director, Mr. Faustine Mdessa, reported that 1,203 tour companies out of 1,401 had an identification number of taxpayer (TIN), but barely 517 complied completely and partially.
There could be 884 tour companies operating in Tanzania. Passing through Tanzania's $ 2,000 tourist business license fees, the country's treasure annually loses $ 1.8 million for fictitious tour operators in the form of licenses only.
The President and CEO of the Tanzanian Association of Tour Operators, Mr. Sirili Akko said: "Those who do not comply are not only stealing from us all, but also creating unfair competition at the same time. ;industry."
TATO President, Mr. Wilbard Chambulo, said his organization no longer takes responsibility for tourists facing difficulties in dealing with non-TATO companies.
Recently, there have been serious cases, some with substantial frauds involving tourists who have organized their trips with non-TATO members.
"We quickly acted to save all the victims in good faith and for humanitarian reasons in order to protect the destination of Tanzania in the past," noted Mr. Chambulo
. "Some victims recovering by sending them back [it] to their respective countries. "TATO also covered the costs of accommodation, transport and meals for several days for the other victims.
"It is in TATO's interest to see tourists use credible companies for their best experiences in Tanzania," he insisted Curtis Crawford, one of the victims, who had recovered his money through TATO, urged foreign tourists to visit Tanzania to search for equipment of their choice.I warn other tourists not to use the tour operator [a] "said Crawford at eTurboNews qua nd it was sent by e-mail to comment on the problem
"Sir Mikko, CEO of TATO, helped me recover my money. He recalled, however, admitting that Tanzanian guides, bearers and cooks were competent, professional and hardworking.
Tourism is Tanzania's main foreign exchange earner, contributing an average of $ 2 billion a year, which equates to 25 percent of all foreign exchange earnings, the government says.
Tourism also contributes to more than 17% of the national gross domestic product (GDP), creating more than 1.5 million jobs.
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