Tanzania: Modern Go, Pigeon Pees Growers Urged


Agro Processing Africa (APA) based in KIZOTA. who is under Export Trading Group, urged pigeon farmers here to apply modern methods of crop storage.

A senior APA official, Mr. Teka Katambala, recently stated that poor crop storage was the leading cause of poor quality, noting that "We are buying pigeons mixed with sand and stones. reason for poor storage, which compromises the quality and price, "said the company manager. Mr Katambala also referred to the challenge posed by dishonest farmers who mixed pigeons with other crops to increase their weight, which prompted the company to hire more workers to sort the pigeons. harvests [.]

19659006] "When we crush a ton of pigeons, we find at least 50 kilograms of sand or other crops in the shipments," he said. APA's production manager, Mr. Parimul Suvaiya, said his company produced at least 70 tons of pigeons a day, claiming that a large part of these products were exported to Asian countries [19659005]. The APA started operations in Dodoma in 2010, claiming that the company was processing agricultural products. She explained that the company had bought pigeons from small farmers in Shinyanga, Tabora, Mwanza, Mtwara and Dodoma, claiming that she was exporting the crop to countries including India, Bangladesh, Canada and the United Kingdom.

At least 23 residents of Dodoma found permanent employment in the company and 200 were temporary employees. She said the company had bought more than ten tons of pigeons a year from farmers, noting that the company had processed 9,012 tons of the 14,304 tons purchased during the 2015/2016 harvest season.

"The company has bought 17,771 tons of pigeons this season and processing of agricultural products is underway, farmers should seize the opportunities of this reliable market," she said

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