Tanzania: Pregnancy vomiting 229 From school in 5 years


Photo: The Citizen

A pregnant schoolgirl (photo from the archives).

Ngara District registered the highest number with 60 dropouts, followed by Bukoba Rural (52). From other districts (abandonment figures in parentheses) are Missenyi (36), Biharamulo (28), Karagwe (23), Muleba (19) and Bukoba municipality (6), Kyerwa district recorded five cases

. main reasons for teenage school dropouts. In 2007, it accounted for 21.9% of school dropouts. The Mtwara region is one of the main regions of Tanzania for teenage pregnancy.

Statistics show that school drop-outs due to pregnancy increased from 5.2% in 2003 to 21.9% in 2007. Social and cultural reasons include parental supervision, peer group pressures and sexual feelings between the individuals.

The introduction of neighborhood high schools that compel teens to rent rooms away from their parents was also cited as one of the reasons for the increase in the number of students in the area. sexual activity in adolescents. ] The high rate of teenage pregnancy is not only due to economic knowledge and low knowledge of sexuality, but also to other social factors that affect the daily lives of adolescents. Adolescent pregnancies are due to unprotected and early sexual intercourse, which also exposes adolescents to other risks of contact with sexually transmitted infections and other sexual diseases such as AIDS.

intervention in the prevention of early pregnancy. Sexuality education, its impact and the use of contraceptives should be provided in primary school in the early years of schooling

. Programs targeting attitudes and social norms that facilitate sexual activity among young people should be encouraged. It is essential to put more emphasis on high school students. Nevertheless, educational programs that promote the sexual education of sexually immature adolescents are strongly encouraged.

It may be too late to introduce such a program for sexually active adolescents on methods of preventing unwanted pregnancies. Parents / guardians play a vital role in the sexual life of their adolescence.

Parents should be encouraged to educate, discuss directly or indirectly issues related to sexuality with their children. Parents and guardians need to be educated about the risks and drawbacks of doing or not doing it.

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