Tanzania: Remove VAT on sanitary napkins to improve girls' health, education


Staff Reporter

For a long time, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), activists, members of Parliament, and government officials campaigned for the tax exemption of sanitary napkins.

The Tanzania Gender Networking Program (TGNP) is among the NGOs that have been in the forefront of campaigning for a tax exemption and a safe learning environment for girls.

According to the report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco), a Saharan Africa misses school during its menstrual cycle.

According to some estimates, this equates to 20% of a given school year. Many girls drop out of school altogether once they start having their period

Young women miss 20% of school days in a given year due to a lack of facilities or lack of information or sanitary products. end up not going to school, because they can not afford to buy sanitary napkins. Some schoolgirls, especially in poor rural areas, miss their studies each time during their menstrual period.

Girls from poor families can not afford sanitary napkins and lack of decent toilets. Last week, the government scrapped the value added tax (VAT) imposed on sanitary napkins.

According to the Minister of Finance and Planning, this measure was intended to allow women to have access to sanitary napkins. VAT on sanitary napkins means a lot to women across the country. The decision is a remarkable step that has been evaluated by many stakeholders.

Activities says she will continue to press for towels as is the case for (free) condoms. As a starting point for the availability of free materials, the Tanzanian Women's Parliamentary Group (TWPG) advised the government to urge investors to ensure that the majority introduce sanitary napkin factories into the country [19659010] Margaret Sitts said that the move will lead to the quantity of products and allows manufacturers and suppliers to cut prices in the name of competition for the markets while at the same time favors, on the other hand, TWPG is in talks with the government and other stakeholders on the possibility of conducting a survey to identify girls in schools that deserve free sanitary materials.

Sitta continued She added that apart from tax exemption and free towels, girls also need restrooms and special rooms to change themselves. Sitta said the TWPG members have launched a public campaign to promote the availability of model toilets in each riding.

Catherine Ruge, Member of Parliament, congratulated the speakers who launched the campaign to waive the tax on towels. the government to make the right decision. She mentioned TGNP among dynamic NGOs that have campaigned tirelessly for this

She said TGNP provided support material to TWPG that helped MPs to table and defend the idea in the House of Commons. # 39; August showed how other countries have succeeded in helping girls by exempting taxes on sanitary napkins. She mentioned some of the countries like South Africa, Kenya and Rwanda.

GTNP activist Grace Kisetu commended the government for the positive response to the question. She said the government's decision will help girls, especially those going to school, attend classes and perform well without problems.

According to Kisetu, TGNP has already started the program of free sanitary materials in some areas. 19659019] The idea, according to Kisetu has already materialized in the districts of Mbeya, Kisarawe and Kishapu. It is noted that some city councils have budgeted for free sanitary napkins in schools.

She testified that TGNP will continue the county-wide capacity building programs to ensure that all girls are reached

the 2018/19 government has been tabled in the House , TGNP Mtandao across the Kijiwe Cha Kahawa 2018, was caught in the celebrations after Minister Mpango announced the elimination of VAT on sanitary napkins.

Lilian Liundi, Executive Director of TGNP congratulated "Since the announcement of the Minister, this is a huge result for TGNP Mtandao and other human rights actors since the issue of towels hygienic and menstrual hygiene management was a cry for a

We are pleased to see our government tackling the problems of women and girls, she said

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