Tanzania: Renewable Energy Plan to Address Climate Change


WHILE the concerns about climate change are actively addressed in different ways, including by encouraging the application of international conventions and protocols, Zanzibar is enjoying success with its contributors gradually to stop damaging the environment.

The promotion of renewable energy has been among the initiatives used here to address the effects of climate change related to environmental destruction, including deforestation, a threat to the few forests on the islands.

Deforestation to clear to increase construction of buildings in tourism Zanzibar is one of the main problems that make Zanzibar a vulnerable place with rising temperatures, rising sea levels, salinization fresh water and floods.

According to scientists, climate change is a major problem. change in weather and related changes in the oceans, land surfaces and ice caps, leading to a negative impact on human life, including disasters, and that survival depends on the ability to be to control its activities on earth.

In addition to the environmental laws, public and private institutions that the message "use renewable energy to save the country" reaches all adults, including leaders.

After an intensive education / awareness campaign launched last year, the evaluation shows that more and more households in rural areas are getting electricity, at least for light up the house and recharge cell phones, which almost every home has.

This is considered a success for the project "Promoting Innovation in Renewable Energy" which began last year in rural northern areas. The northern districts of B, where deforestation has been reported to be high.

"Mini Solar Project and Economic Plant (MiESP) is implemented by the & # 39; Renewable Energy Zanziba r Association (REZA) with technical support from & # 39; Zanzibar Utilities Regulatory Authority – ZURA; and the Zanzibar-SUZA State University. ZURA is an autonomous multisectoral regulator established under Zanzibar Law No. 7/2013 and is responsible for the technical and economic regulation of the electricity, oil and water sectors.

Its duties include among others, licensing, review, monitor performance and standards in quality, safety, health and the environment. ZURA is also responsible for promoting private sector participation, effective competition and economic efficiency in public services.

According to the executive secretary of REZA, Ramadhan Said Omar has named the Urbis Foundation as the main donor of the project. "We train community leaders (Shehas) and people on innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship using renewable energy, starting with solar energy. ", said Omar, who thanked the Zanzibar Bureau of Standards. -ZBS for the establishment of the required standards

Based on five sustainable development goals: No. 1, 4, 7, 8, 11 and 13 respectively, he said, training and encouraging people in the rural areas to switch to solar energy "Continuing to depend on trees and burning kerosene, it ruins the environment.

He says that renewable energies have a direct or indirect link with the objectives: "No Poverty," "Quality Education," Mr. Omar said that up to now, REZA has trained 162 community leaders and other stakeholders since last year in targeted areas of northern districts. A and North B where people are now away from the use of traditional energy (cutting trees for energy) and turning to solar. "We need stop cutting trees to protect the environment. We have enough sun to produce solar energy. We start by installing solar energy before investing in wind energy and biogas, "said Omar.

He stated that REZA was working in areas most affected by deforestation to restore the green landscape by discouraging trees. Innovation in the Renewable Energy Sector

Renewable Energy is an energy produced from natural processes that are constantly renewed, including sunlight, geothermal heat, wind, tides, water and electricity. water and various forms of biomass. exhausted and is constantly renewed. REZA says that the cost of installing solar energy has been low because the government wants many households in rural areas to have solar energy, for example the total cost of the solar energy. 39, installation of three lamps. "

million. Mussa Makame Mussa, head of Kibeni village community and Mr. Juma Nyange Omar shehia from Bwereu village are among the participants in the renewable energy training, saying that this knowledge is important for the protection of the environment . [19659008"Lessourcesd'énergiealternativessontimportantesmaintenantpourprotégerl'environnementdéjàendangerenraisondel'utilisationnonplanifiéedesterres"adéclaréMMussaajoutantquemalgrélescoûtsélevésdesénergiesrenouvelablesilcontinueraitd'encouragerlesgensàutiliserl'énergiesolairelecoûtdel'équipementetdesconnexionssolairesdevraitêtrefaibleafinqueplusdegenspuissentconnecterl'éducationsurlesénergiesrenouvelablesdevraitcontinuerpourquelesgenscomprennentledéveloppementdel'energy

stated that & # 39; education help communities to make informed decisions about renewable energy and that innovation is essential to improve access to renewable energy.

He said the more knowledge about renewable energy is growing, the more people are studying the possibility "But the installation costs still need to be reduced to motivate people."

Mrs. Salama Aboud Talib, Minister of Water, Housing and Energy, also announced that "renewable energy and energy efficiency" She stated that her Ministry, with the support of the private sector and development partners, is working to promote renewable energy with the goal of ensuring self-sufficiency in electricity and environmental protection.

Zanzibar with more than 644, 632, 311 trees, including clove trees, and mangroves covering about 16,480 hectares, and natural vegetation of more than 86,182 hectares res was authorized

. Forest officers and ecologists estimate that 950 hectares of trees / natural vegetation, on average, are cleared annually in Zanzibar for different purposes, including investment in tourism projects.

reducing wood, fuel and charcoal, and clearing land for colonization, ignoring environmental impacts and development programs such as beekeeping.

According to the Department of Forests and Non-Renewable Natural Resources more than 80% Households still use trees as fuel (firewood and charcoal), which poses a great threat to trees, while few use Electricity, gas and oil.

million. Omar, Executive Secretary of REZA, says: Electricity and electricians training, villages will quickly have permanent lighting and tree cutting will certainly be minimized. "

REZA promotes sustainable development Renewable energy through the advancement of knowledge and skills using better experiences.

Other goals of the association are the Knowledge management and information dissemination Facilitate the development of the market for renewable energy technologies, applications and services and support the creation of a favorable environment and framework for a market sustainable renewable energy

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