Tanzania: Should Tanzanian Telecommunication Companies Reimburse Subscribers for Cyber ​​Fraud? Experts are about to decide


Dar es Salaam – The Government is currently in dialogue with the Tanzanian Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA) to determine if it is necessary to promulgate a new law or to guarantee existing laws "

Read more: Vodacom has 30 days to respond to cybercrime

M. Isack Kamwelwe, Minister of Public Works, Transport and Communication, told the Citizen by phone that the government has received numerous public complaints against a telecom company, citing the lack of harsh measures against theft mobile money. However, the minister was not able to immediately provide data on the theft of mobile phones in the country.

"It is our responsibility of our experts to decide on the enactment of a new law when they meet to discuss the problem"

M. Kamwelwe added that despite efforts by the government to take appropriate measures to control the theft of mobile money targeting subscribers of telecommunication companies, the situation has become so commonplace that it has been necessary to intervene with Urgency

. I wonder how these thieves can steal money from mobile subscribers, especially after cheating them that they improve their accounts, which means that they are either employees of the company or workers working for the company, "he added, adding that, given these differences, the government was now looking for a solution, in which mobile phone companies would now assume responsibility for paying customers back Seeking Persons Involved in the

On Monday, Minister Kamwelwe gave Vodacom Tanzania Plc 30 days to provide answers to the problems associated with cybercrime in the enterprise that he called

more serious. in the network of the company

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