Tanzania: Simplified Vital Document System


Foreigners wishing to obtain a Tanzanian visa or residency permit can now acquire such services electronically, which should increase the flow of investors, especially in the industrial sector, in order to reinforce ongoing industrialization.

This comes after Prime Minister Kassim Majaliwa (photo) yesterday launched the application for electronic visa and residence permit in Dar es Salaam.

Prime Minister Majaliwa stressed that the new development would generate more revenue for the applicants, as a customer could pay fees directly and not through agents.

The new move was introduced to simplify the process of obtaining such documents because foreigners would not need to go to the embassies to search for services.

"The introduction of electronic visa and residence permit services is part of the government's efforts to attract investors, particularly in the industrial sector, as this would simplify the acquisition of these documents to foreigners and thereby facilitate economic development, "he said.

He added that the new system would help eliminate bureaucracy, speed up service delivery and strengthen national security.

After the launch, the Prime Minister used the platform to warn people who obtain visas and permits against any activity contrary to what was stated in the documents.

To engage in activities other than those stipulated in the permits amounted to contravening the laws and regulations of the country governing immigration.

The launch of electronic visa and residence permit services was in line with the growth of science and technology and with government policy on information and communication technologies (ICT) in its services. (e-government), he explained.

"I call on immigration department officials to ensure that launched electronic systems are protected and developed," he said.

He urged officials to provide services on time, efficiently and to comply with laws and regulations since the government of the fifth phase pledged to strengthen the provision of services to Tanzanians and foreigners.

He informed participants that visa and e-license services would be linked to other government systems under the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA), Tanzania Investment Center (TIC) and others.

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