Tanzania: Six officials arrested while the school director is hiding


NKASI District Commissioner in Rukwa Region, Mr. Said Mtanda ordered the arrest of six officials to help law enforcement authorities locate Eradi Kapyela , director of Kilambo cha Mkolechi primary school. disappeared after allegedly fertilizing a 14-year-old student.

The DC ordered the immediate arrest and prosecution of the suspect who disappeared from his school for more than a week for fear of being arrested by the police.

Kilambo Cha Mkolechi Primary School is located in Kala Ward and Division along Lake Tanganyika in Nkasi District.

The DC appointed the six officials, including the deputy director of Kilambo cha Mkolechi primary school, Damas Mbele, as the executive officer of Kala Ward. , Privatus Mwakumana, district education officer Kala, Amani Osauka, general manager of Kala village, Raymond Kanoka, village president of Kilambo cha Mkolechi, Linus Musa and Kala Division officer, Wida mba Ernest [19659006SimilarlyMrMtandaorderedMrMisanaKwangulaExecutiveDirectorofNkasiDistricttodemotetheKalaEducationDirectorOsaukatoheadtheschool

to convene the six officials and order them to write letters explaining how they decided to remain silent for a whole week without taking the fugitive school leader (Kapyela) to the task, "added the DC [19659008] council meeting held Friday in the small town of Namanyere in the district.

"This is not the first time that the school head (Kapyela) is running into trouble, because previous records show that he has already impregnated three other students in the school. School, even his current wife is also one of his victims, because he fertilized her while she was still in school and the case was settled at the 39 outside court

This is the fourth pupil he imbues. "

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