Tanzania: State develops national plan for the protection of women and children


The government has developed a national program to protect women and children from gender-based violence in order to halve the number of cases by 2022.

At the launch of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence at Jamhuri Stadium, PM Kassim Majaliwa said the five-year program was part of the implementation of women's development policy and the development of the child.

"The program will greatly contribute to the results of regional and international agreements signed by the country to protect gender equality, women's empowerment and children's rights," said the Prime Minister during the meeting. ;event.

The annual event organized by Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF), a pan-African network linking law and development, aims to raise public awareness of GBV from 25 November to 10 December.

Mr. Majaliwa noted that the program is being implemented jointly by the Ministry of Health, Community Development, Gender, Older Persons and Children, and by the private sector, including key partners in advocacy for women's rights. women and children.

He highlighted the program's other key partners as regional secretariats, agencies and government departments, as well as members of various organizations.

Mr. Majaliwa also called on local authorities to establish village-level women's and children's protection committees to facilitate the implementation of the program.

"I call on all members of the public to play a role in protecting women and children from gender-based violence in order to reduce the problem," said the Prime Minister. Mr. Majaliwa explained that in order to strengthen the fight against gender-based violence, the Police Office for Gender Issues, which was the specialized gender focal point, should now be renamed the Office. police for gender issues.

"This will allow the police office of gender to fully fight against gender-based violence against people with disabilities," said the prime minister. For her part, Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of Health, Community Development, Gender, Seniors and Children, said the government would continue to improve laws and policies related to women's development and development. to meet the challenges that both groups face.

"The government is committed to improving the development policies of women and children to improve their well-being," she said.

WiLDAF National Coordinator, Anna Kulaya, said the theme of this year's event was "Open, its security, my responsibility" to encourage all members of the public to participate in the protection of women and children.

According to her, statistics showed that 40 per cent of women aged 15 to 49 had been victims of gender-based violence, saying that the campaign, scheduled to be held in Dar es Salaam, would organize a number of number of meetings to raise public awareness.

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