Tanzania sued for failing to protect people with albinism


President John Magufuli

The Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa (IHRDA) on Center for Human Rights – University of Pretoria (CHR) and The Center for Human Rights and Human Rights (19459011) sued the United Republic of Tanzania before the African Court of Human Rights Man and Peoples for his failure to provide adequate protection to persons with albinism

The applicants instituted legal proceedings on 25 July 2018, alleging that the State Tanzania had not taken sufficient measures to combat the widespread persecution and discrimination perpetrated by the public against PLHIV

. ACPs in Tanzania and in other parts of Africa have endured various forms of persecution and discrimination, including myths. Many tribes have often supported the practice of killing PLWHA, especially children, to prevent a "curse" from spreading in their community and to get rid of the "burden" of caring for them. .

began to witness new forms of persecution against PLWHA, including mutilation, because it is believed that parts of the body of the PVA have magical powers that can be used to generate wealth through witchcraft. Thus, there is a black market for ACPs (body parts and as a whole).

Statistics indicate that between 2007 and 2010, about three PVAs were attacked each month in Tanzania, and most of them were killed; From 2000 to June 2016, the death toll was 76. The victims of the attacks were deeply traumatized by mutilations, abduction attempts, rapes, abrasions, shaving or physical threats. Because of discrimination and persecution, PLHIV in Tanzania feel ostracized and neglected by the state and society. The complainants note that domestic remedies for such violations are ineffective and insufficient in practice.

The petitioners note that there are more than 200,000 ACPs in Tanzania, and the standards set out in Tanzanian law allow PLWHA to be qualified as disabled. growing global consensus to recognize albinism as a disability

The case alleges several violations, including the right to life and security of the person; the prohibition of torture, degrading and inhuman treatment; the prohibition of the sale, trafficking and abduction of children; the right to non-discrimination; the right to dignity and the right to an effective remedy.

All these rights are protected by several treaties to which Tanzania is a party, including the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights, the African Charter on Rights and Welfare. the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child. People with Disabilities.

pray that the African Court convicts Tanzania of the alleged violations and order Tanzania to adopt a comprehensive national strategy to ensure the protection of the rights, well-being and interests of PLHIV, including including the formulation of policies, the enactment of laws, the authors, the training of relevant officials and public awareness.

The applicants also seek compensation, rehabilitation and psychosocial support. t the affected victims and their families, and the adoption of specific measures for the well-being of affected children.

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