Tanzania: Tanzanite thieves must be arrested


The construction of a concrete wall at the hem in the Tanzanite mining blocks at Mirerani in Simanjiro district is completed. This is the hat at the National Service building brigade who did the work two months before the scheduled time.

What remains to be done now is the installation of surveillance cameras and other electronic devices that dot the 25-kilometer wall. . The wall has only one door that will serve as a point of entry and exit. This will help control smugglers and potential thieves.

But that is not enough. Mineral thieves are tricky elements that could use drones laden at night or even dig tunnels under the wall to complete their escapes. In fact, there are dozens of modern gadgets that dishonest miners can use to evade taxation.

President John Magufuli led the Tanzanian People's Defense Forces (TPDF) to build the wall around Tanzanite blocks A to D in Mirerani. The government also ordered that the trade in Tanzanite gemstones be now carried out in Simanjiro only to promote trade and development in the region. It is imperative that this presidential order be respected once all security devices are in place.

Recent reports indicate that tanzanite gemstones valued at nearly 700 billion euros have been smuggled out of the country each year by illegal means. While Kenya treats Tanzanite minerals valued at $ 100 million a year and India documents blue gems valued at $ 300 million, it is surprising that Tanzania, the source of gems, wins a miserable Tanzanite $ 38 million a year

It's amazing. It is evident that most of the Tanzanite mined in Mirerani is excluded from the country duty – free. The product does not benefit Tanzanians – not even the people of Simanjiro who actually own the minerals.

It's a laughable affair. Since Mr. Jumanne Ngoma came across glittering blue crystals in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, tanzanite has become one of the most sought after gemstones in the world

. Ngoma says: "I found tanzanite in Mirelani, Arusha, in the beginning of January 1967. I went to the Kiteto area, I went to live with relatives who live in Kiteto and, walking in the bush, I saw crystals of a blue mineral lying on the ground

very nice … They were blue, some were transparent … In a few hours j ' I picked up about five kilograms and they were all very pretty blue crystals. "A lot of water has flowed into the river since then Many fortune seekers have gone to the area. [19659011When42-year-oldHaimaHekeheardthistanzaniteonasmallscaletheminersinMireranieasilyandquicklygotrichheputhisclothesinagoatskinbagandlefthishouseontheslopesofMountKwaraatotheminingvillagesofSimanjirodistrictManyararegion

. Irerani, Heke discovered that there was no easy picking in the mines and realized that men of all ages and backgrounds were coming out all day for month without obtaining anything

. "Heke", a member of the Fyomi tribe, worked hard for intolerable hours but was increasingly demoralized by working in an unproductive mining block that belonged to a keeper who did not tolerate nonsense.

was practically nothing in the way of gaining food. For Heke this amounted to servitude. After spending a year in the mines and gaining almost nothing, Heke put away his goatskin bag and returned to the slopes of Mount Kwaraa where he found his family

"All Minors of Mirerani are not rich, end up in greater poverty, "he says. However, the truth is that the Tanzanian government does not get much out of Tanzanian sales abroad. It is no wonder that the state has decided to wage a tough battle.

The Mirerani tanzanite mines are located in the Simanjiro district, in the Manyara region, about 70 kilometers south of Arusha and 16 kilometers south of Kilimanjaro International Airport. The landscape is dominated by dry shrubland and rocky hills.

Lack of water and deforestation is a significant problem, particularly in areas surrounding mining sites. About a third of Simanjiro's population lives in Mirerani – a multi-ethnic community made up of people from all over Tanzania and some of the neighboring countries.

Administratively the settlement is still classified as a village, but the village government is trying to get the status of the town. The Tanzanite extraction is concentrated on a six-kilometer belt located four kilometers south of the Mirerani colony.

The mining area is divided into four blocks. Small-scale mines for other minerals, such as ruby, garnet green, tourmaline and rodlite, are mined in 24 villages in the district, and open pits are found everywhere, according to a commissioned report. by the World Bank in 2005.

1990 Simanjiro District is declared an extension zone for surplus people in the densely populated district of Arumeru. As a result of this policy and the introduction of large-scale commercial agriculture, most Maasai migrated further south.

Tanzanite is a rare, dark blue gemstone discovered at Mirerani in 1965. At the time, a new find of the century "by Tiffany in New York Since then, smaller deposits have been found in Norway

However, the only economically viable deposits are found at Mirerani.It is estimated that with the current phase of mining, resources will be depleted in one or two decades. Tanzanite on a commercial scale began soon after its discovery.

The year 1967 saw a virtual mining "rush" in the region.In 1969, sixty claims had been indexed.While official figures show that production was only 70 kilograms in 1970 alone, other estimates suggest between 200 and 400 kilograms per year.These producers included registered and unregistered minors whose number remains unchanged. nnu

In 1972, tanzanite mines were nationalized and operated under the auspices of Tanzania Gemstone Industries (TGI), a subsidiary of the new State State Mining Company (STAMICO). Many other public companies in the socialist era, TGI had an extremely low output, officially only seven pounds per year from their open pit mines. It is said that the theft of the company was rumored.

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