Tanzania warns NGOs against violation of the country's laws – News


Dar es Salaam . The government has issued a strong warning against non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that violate the laws and regulations of the country.

This comes as the government is ready to review the national NGO policy.

The warning was issued yesterday by the Deputy Registrar of NGOs, Mr. Baraka Leornard, at the close of a two-day meeting that aimed to review the policy of NGO used since 2001 and to prepare 30 experts who will travel in the hinterland to gather their views on the new policy.

million. Baraka said the NGOs were created with the intention of serving the people and not for personal gain as others do .

"The government is ready to deal with all those who use NGOs to make their own profit instead of providing services and that strict measures will be taken against those who will be held responsible," he said. . He added that thanks to the new policy that will be amended, there will be laws that will provide a good operational environment for NGOs.

"Being registered is one thing but you have to adhere to the values ​​of the country in which On the other hand, the Secretary General of the National Council for NGOs, Ismail Suleiman, said that it was important that the policy be reviewed in order to keep it up to date

use since 2001. Seventeen years is too long.Many things have changed, including the nature of the NGOs, the objectives and what they have the intention to achieve, "he observed.

According to him, other things were already outdated.

" The goal is to ensure that the new policy addresses current challenges and meets the needs of current and future NGOs and the community as a whole, "he explained. [ad_2]
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