Tanzania: Why there will be no justice for university students killed, Akwilina


Dar es Salaam – The killers of Akwilini Akwilini, a 21-year-old university student, may never be known, police confirming today as there was no investigation in progress

The student of the National Institute of Transportation (NIT) was killed last February by a bullet lost shot during a confrontation between police and opposition supporters. The bullet closed her head while she was sitting in a suburban van coming home from the university.

Police said today that armed officers involved in the clash have since been absolved and released after being briefly detained. The Director of Public Prosecutions announced that the file had been closed.

Asked today about the issue and whether justice will be done for the victim, the commander of the Dar es Salaam Special Police Zone, Lazaro Mambosasa, said that there had been no proof.

Mambosasa added that there was no investigation to find out if the opposition leaders in the demonstration were also carrying rifles.

"I can assure you that we have allowed the possession of firearms to a lot of people, there are rifles but we can not arrest someone with a weapon without proving that we have a gun. they were responsible for the incident. "

The officer said that what led to the death was the" illegal "demonstration organized by Chama cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (Chadema) and not by the detectives who were called to stop the demos.

"It must be remembered that the circumstances of the whole incident were clearly developed and it was found that Officers were not responsible for the death," he said about six police officers alleged to have been questioned about the murder.

Mambosasa said at a press conference today that the police had been released. Several Chadian leaders, including five members of parliament, are currently charged with inciting hatred and holding an illegal congregation related to the February roar. They all denied the charges, arguing that the case was meant to distract the attention of the real killers.

Chadema's supporters marched to the office of the Kinondoni District Executive Director to urge him to issue party affidavits to party election officers prior to the February 17 parliamentary by-election in Kinondoni

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