Teeny Weeny, the biggest technology festival in the world organized every year by CeBIT … closed the doors of its German festival yesterday • The Register


The CeBIT is no longer a juggler: 33 years after the launch of the Hannover Messe technical exhibition, Deutsche Messe announced that the drop in the number of visitors left no choice but to close the show.

On a peak of 850,000 visitors, attendance fell to about 120,000 in 2018.

The Hannover show scheduled for June 2019 has been canceled, announced today the organizer, Deutsche Messe. The remaining subjects were grouped together in Hannover Messe in April 2019.

Dr. Jochen Köckler, CEO of Deutsche Messe, said that the major traditional exhibitors had opted for events that focused more on vertically oriented trade fairs (eg, industrial digitization) rather than horizontal CeBIT.

He added: "We are currently examining the digital market to determine which remaining CEBIT topics we will develop into new events".

Lower Saxony's Minister of Economy, Bernd Althusmann, said some of the remaining CeBIT topics would include digitization and artificial intelligence, presented in a "small fairground".

German retail outlet Handelsblatt claimed that anchor exhibitors IBM, Salesforce and Huawei all wanted to be completely absent, and that other companies such as Vodafone, Volkswagen and SAP planned to reduce their expenses. in 2019.

The Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung quoted an internal letter from the jury of the exhibition, saying that the 2019 exposure could result in a loss of 5 million euros.

Oliver Frese, CeBIT Board Member, will leave Deutsche Messe at the end of the year.

The CeBIT banner will however be present in other countries.

The Australian organizers of CeBIT sent an email to the media announcing that their show would take place in October 2019. Managing Director Harvey Stockbridge said the group "has been working hard for several months to create the basics of A reinvented CeBIT Australia ".

The e-mail pointed out that the Australian operation had its own advisory board and "always forged a distinct path" from its German parent company.

The register contacted Deutsche Messe to inquire about future shows scheduled for 2019 in Thailand and Russia.

It seems that some people have nostalgic feelings about the trade show, which led to the hashtag #CebitMemories, which attracts a little love on Twitter.


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