The absence of built-in dust filters damages Macs and claims a class action


A growing class action lawsuit is seeking plaintiffs to sue Apple for its iMacs and MacBooks.

L & # 39; accusation? By selling computers without dust filters, Apple deliberately ignores something that could interfere with the "functionality and use" of high-end displays.

"Owners of iMac and MacBook have reported black spots and black spots on the inside of their desktop screens, as well as excessive sluggishness and failures of their linked computers in the absence of filter on Apple computers ", overview of the apparent fault Remarks. "The computer sucks in air to cool its components, but in the absence of filter, the dust is trapped inside. This affects the screen and the logic board of the computer, causing dust stuck behind the screen and erasing the motherboards, which slows down and / or overheats the computer. "

This staining effect is expected to have a considerable impact on people using their Mac for activities such as illustration, photo retouching and other mostly visual applications. It apparently begins shortly after the purchase, "but after the expiration of Apple's standard warranty period".

The lawsuit alleges that Apple is aware of this problem, but does nothing about it. Instead, users must pay "over $ 500" to fix the screen problem. This can increase even more if they have to replace other parts affected by the problem.

Hagens Berman, the class action law firm, had sued Apple in 2016 for its role in the alleged scandal of pricing an ebook. The lawyers did not indicate a proposed figure in terms of damages in this case. However, he notes that he hopes the court will decide to "pay reasonable fees." No group member will have to pay out of pocket regardless of the scenario.

Integrated obsolescence

Whether or not you think Macs should come with built-in dust filters, this lawsuit is related to a much larger problem against Apple. This is the idea that Apple manufactures high-end devices designed for obsolescence.

This accusation was based on "evidence", such as Apple, which slows down devices with software updates and its tendency to stick components, making it difficult to repair or upgrade certain products. . Apple has also passed the law on the right to repair and introduces new software measures that imply that only authorized Apple repair shops can repair new Macs with the T2 chip.

Apple, for its part, has good arguments as to why these decisions were made – and this is not about emptying the end user. However, these ongoing suggestions are likely to play a role in class actions like this one.

Have you encountered the particular problem of "blunder" alleged in this lawsuit? Let us know in the comments below.

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