The atrocities of Njombe: the story of the child who almost cheated death


By Godfrey Kahango @ TheCitizenTZ [email protected]

Njombe. Meshack Myonga (4 years old), who survived an assassination attempt in the Njombe area, but later died at Mbeya's reference hospital last weekend, was celebrated Sunday in the region.

The young Myonga, who lived with his parents in Mji Mwema Street, was kidnapped a few hours after leaving his mother, Ms. Rabia Mlelwa.

He died last Saturday after leaving the Mbeya Reference Hospital on January 19 of this year where he had been taken away for medical attention as a result of a neck injury.

Tale of the good Samaritan

Ms. Jane Chanda, a resident of Mji Mwema, played an important role in safeguarding the life of the child after the attempted murder failed.

During her story, Ms. Chanda recounted that she and an unidentified young man had seen the little Meshack emerge from the bushes of the Mji Mwema Lutheran region in Njombe district.

"I was standing behind the youngster when we saw the child run out of the undergrowth. He was naked and was holding a jacket in one hand. The boy had a bleeding wound in his throat and we decided to report the incident to the chief of the ten cells in the area, after which we took him to the hospital, said Ms. Chanda. .

She added that they had accompanied the head of the ten cells to the village dispensary, where they had been directed to the Kibena Regional Hospital.

"Although the child was walking when we saw him for the first time, he could not speak – and he was bleeding profusely," she said.

According to her, Meshack was conscious until he arrived at the Kibena Regional Hospital where he finally lost consciousness – and was unconscious until the reference hospital of Mbeya City.

She added that the child's parents had not yet been identified and that as good Samaritans, they had to do everything in their power to save Meshack's life.

"We arrived at Mbeya's reference hospital at 6 pm, where the child was sutured by the throat while he was unconscious. However, he regained consciousness at midnight when he started talking about his name and physical address at home, "she said.

Meshack's parents arrived at Mbeya's hospital the next day and the Good Samaritan left the hospital on the third day, after entrusting the child's responsibility to the mother.

"He was progressing well the day I left the hospital, and I continued to communicate with his mother after returning home." After Meshack's departure from the referral hospital Jan. 19, this year, I visited him at home, where he seemed to be making progress, and he can now eat alone and talk, "said Ms. Chanda.

Mother talks about her son's death

Rabia Mlelwa, mother of Young Meshacks, said The citizen After leaving the Mbeya referral hospital on January 19 of this year, her child was scheduled to report to the hospital on February 8, 2019 for observation and follow-up if necessary.

In this case, she said, she and Meshack were taken to Mbeya Hospital by the district commissioner's office, where the child was admitted to a room. special.

"However, doctors called me at 2 pm to announce the shocking news that my son had died!" I do not know what exactly happened inside this "special room", which could have resulted in the death of my son, "she lamented.

"They told me that the child's throat had dried up and that he had had internal bleeding, as a result of which he could die at any time," he said. she added in the midst of tears.

Speaking at the burial, Njombe District Administrative Secretary, Mr. Emmanuel George, said the government would seek out the perpetrators of the killings in the Njombe area, wherever they are located. find, and bring them to justice.

He said, "The government is alert; he will not sleep at work. We will continue to take action on these incidents – and all we ask of you is your cooperation with our security organs. "

For his part, Iwungilo 's adviser, Mr. Reginald Danda, urged his citizens to provide information about their guests to the heads of government for them to be recognized and registered.

"We have to be careful during this time. We must avoid taking the law in our hands and attacking strangers who can not speak out. Instead, they should be reported to local government leaders for verification and authorization, "he said.

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