The ban on GMO crop trials in Tanzania will bring biotechnological research back ten years, say scientists


An air of resignation characterizes the reactions … the government's surprise ban on all tests of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the country.

Members of the research community were shocked by the fact that the government had not only banned ongoing testing of GM seeds, but had also directed the Tanzanian Institute for Agricultural Research (Tari ) immediately destroy the evidence of the searches.

[N]Japhet Hasunga, newly appointed Minister of Agriculture, told The Citizen …. that Tari had contravened the government's approval procedures. "They were supposed to communicate to my department the conclusions that would in turn have consulted with other departments to make sure that the GM seeds were safe …. "

Tanzania conducts confined field trials of GM seed for maize in Makutopora [the] Dodoma region and for cassava at the Mikocheni Agricultural Research Institute of Dar es Salaam.

[November 21’s] The researchers argued that the measures taken by the government would delay more than a decade the efforts of the country to advance …. biotechnology.

Among several groups, the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture was the last to visit the Makutopora center where members, including former Trade Minister Mary Nagu, praised the results obtained by the research …. For his part, Dr. Nagu said that detractors of GM technology were politicizing the case, while Tari's chief executive, Godfrey Mkamilo, had asked the government to give the go-ahead for d & # s 39, other GMO trials in the country.

Read the original full article: Tanzania: Government Prohibits GMO Testing

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