These kids may be wondering where they will go, but we know one thing: they're going until the next turn.

The Voices of The Hope Children's Choir, composed of 70 children from 5 to 17 years old, impressed the judges with their interpretation of "How Far I Go Go" from "Moana". They won the sixth and last Golden Buzzer of the season, prop Orange County, California, to the live tour which begins August 14th.

"Miss Sarah" Grandpre, director of the group, led the public choir, expressing the lyrics and imitating the minimal choreography of the children. After the performance, she joined them on stage for a big group hug.

"If you had told me at the age of 21 that my biggest passion project was going to lead a children's choir, I would have been so surprised," he said. she declared during a recorded interview.

"Miss Sarah could literally be, like Beyonce," said one of the youngest boys in the choir, having been rejected in her own singing career, she felt lost to That she had the opportunity to start Voices of Hope.

"My call found me in the form of this children's choir," said Grandpre.

After the choir performed "This Is Me" from "The Greatest Showman" Simon Cowell challenged the band to rehearse and tighten the vocals.

"I think of all the acts we've seen right up to the audition this turn, you're the most improved," Cowell said. I felt that it was an incredible energy. Sarah, what you did is really amazing. "

" It really made me very emotional, "Judge Mel B. added. I can see you really, really want it. Each of you on this stage really wants it, really. Good job, guys. "

Then it was the turn of the guest judge and comedian Ken Jeong to comment – and he kept them short.

" Well, all of us all … "began he slamming the buzzer of gold

Cue a shower of gold confetti and a lot of tears.

"I do not even know what to feel," said Grandpré to Tyra Banks on stage "I'm so proud of these kids. I am very happy. "

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