The elite of African companies chooses to meet in Morocco tomorrow – African Daily Voice


Morocco multiplies inter-African meetings to promote trade between the countries of the continent. Photo: Michlifen

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Casablanca, Morocco (ADV) – The next edition of the African Summit on Trade and Investment will be held on 29 and 30 November in Ifrane.

The organizers intend to gather around the same platform of debates 200 political decision-makers and economic operators representing 25 African countries.

This event will concretize the recommendations of the Ifrane Declaration and strengthen the impact of the forum.

In honor of this year, five major economic powers of the continent, namely Rwanda, Nigeria, Senegal, Côte d'Ivoire and Congo.

The big novelty of this year is the "Start Up Corner", a space dedicated to African start-ups, to present their projects and their ideas to entrepreneurs, investors and government decision-makers, in order to raise funds and benefit from the financial resources. A support.

The African Trade and Investment Summit reflects the desire to create a space for exchange, debate and sharing that can contribute to Africa's economic growth and the liberation of Africa's potential.

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