The faithful of the DRC plan political demonstrations in August


A group of Roman Catholic secular movements in the Democratic Republic of Congo announced three "major actions" in August to force President Joseph Kabila to resign

"Times are Serious – Peace and Stability of the Committee" of Coordination of the Laity (CLC) said in a statement issued after the planning of the weekend.

The lay leaders of the church, which is a powerful force in the vast country of Central Africa, "will launch a call for general mobilization in all key sectors of the nation in its first major actions that will take place on August 12, 13 and 14," he said.

The population will be called upon to organize protests in August, including "peaceful marches, sit-in demonstrations," ghost town "operations, general strikes and acts of civil disobedience," the statement said. "aim to paralyze cities


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The goal is to get rid of Kabila, who has been in power since 2001 but who remained in power after the expiry of his term in December 2016, and his government, considered by the movement as "real obstacles to credible, transparent and peaceful elections".

Late 2017 and early this year, anti-Kabila demonstrations organized by Roman Catholics repressed by security forces, with a total of at least 15 deaths reported across the country.

The CLC accuses Kabila of maneuvering to stand up for and get a third term, in violation of a constitutional ban and his duty to turn the power over to the winner of the elections scheduled for December The platform of political parties within The national unity government gathered around Kabila plans to "publicize the name of its candidate before August 8," spokesman Felix Kabange told the media.

August 8th is the last day that electoral authorities accept candidates for presidential elections.

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