The footballer is alive despite the death of his Irish amateur club | Soccer


An amateur football team from Dublin is excused after falsely announcing the death of one of its players.

Ballybrack FC informed the Leinster Senior League (LSL) that Fernando Nuno La-Fuente had been killed in a motorcycle accident. Their match against Arklow Town on Saturday was postponed to a minute of silence before other league games.

The league advertised in the Irish newspaper The Herald before LSL president David Moran became suspicious of the club's history and went deeper.

"We rang and we could not get an answer," Moran told RTÉ Sport. "We checked hospitals everywhere. Nobody could find anything about this young man. Some of his teammates [then] published information on social media, claiming that he had returned to Spain four weeks ago. "

After discovering that La-Fuente was alive and well in his country, the league issued a statement claiming that "the notification of the death of a Ballybrack player is unfounded".

Moran also confirmed that the league would consider the matter "through its own internal disciplinary procedures". While rumors circulated on social media that La-Fuente's disappearance had been fabricated to cancel the match, the club apologized on Facebook.

"The club, the senior players and the management team have learned that a serious miscalculation was made as a result of correspondence sent by a member of the LSL management team" , says the release.

"Tonight, an emergency meeting was held and the person in question was relieved of all his football duties at Ballybrack FC. The club has contacted Fernando to confirm his location, his well-being and he is grateful to have accepted our apologies on this subject.

"This serious and unacceptable error was completely false and was committed by a person who experienced serious personal difficulties, unbeknownst to all other members of the club.

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"At this point, we can only offer our sincere apologies to the Leinster Senior League, to our opponents, Arklow Town FC, as well as to the multitude of clubs and footballers who contacted us or who have sent messages of support in recent days. "

Moran said he would meet the club on Thursday to decide on the punishment he will face. "One of the first things to do is to determine what rules they have broken," he added. "We have never had anything like it before.

"Honestly, we do not know why they did it. All they had to say was that they were climbing, they will get their fine and that's it.

"It's very extreme to get a match. We acted in good faith. We had a minute of silence on weekends for this young boy. This is absolutely ridiculous. "

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