The Government promises to boost the Mufindi Open Golf Tournament


The event, which took place on Friday in Mufindi on the Mufindi Golf Club course, was to end yesterday. Deogratius Mdamu, Acting Director of the Tourism Department at the Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources, said the government's decision to use the tournament to promote tourism in the Southern Highlands, through the Regional Commissioner Iringa. "The decision to see the competition become a major event in and out of the country so that we can attract more participants, especially from outside the country." We believe the presence of participants in Mufindi will not only be beneficial for the development of golf in the region, but also to boost tourism. "

Part of the tournament participants said that the event will help Yeckonia Chaula, veteran of the Mufindi Golf Club , said: "I congratulate the government, through the Iringa R Regional Office of the Commissioner, for having decided to use this sport to promote tourist sites in the Southern Highlands. Although the event took place for the first time, it has attracted golfers from almost every club in the country. "

Clement Mshana, coordinator of Capital Plus International (CPI) tournament, expressed his sincere greetings to the participants." In addition to thanking the participants, especially the Lugalo Golf Club of Dar es Salaam, which has hosted many golfers, I thank the company Unilever for its good reception and preparation. The tournament was organized by the government, through the Iringa regional commissioners' office, in cooperation with the Ministry of Tourism and Natural Resources.

It involved more than 80 golfers, including professionals and amateurs. Joseph Kakunda, deputy minister in the president's office, regional administration, local government, public service and good governance, was to celebrate the closing ceremony.

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