The government will pay the treatment of survivors of the accident of Tarime


Tarime The government is committed to paying the price of treating three survivors of a terrible car accident in Tarime, which claimed the lives of 16 people.

This was revealed during the burial of 15 bodies of those who died in the accident of yesterday.

The accident occurred in the village of Komaswa, Tarime District, when two suburban buses hit hard before igniting.

Ms. Ummy Mwalimu, Minister of Health and Community Development, Seniors and Children, said at the burial ceremony that the government would ensure that survivors are cared for in any hospital. local, according to the advice of the doctors.

She also said officials from the chief government pharmacy office were going to Bugando Hospital in Mwanza to perform DNA tests on the dead body samples to identify them.

"Our goal (the government) is to ensure that the identity of the deceased is known as quickly as possible, which is why we have deployed officials from Dar es Salaam," Mwalimu said.

A cloud of sadness hovers over the scene as the bodies of those who died in the accident were buried. The accident occurred Monday.

S addressing reporters at the ceremony, Mr. Nyange Chacha, a motorcyclist (Bodaboda), who rescued four people from the crash, said he had rushed on the scene after hearing a loud bang.

Mr. Chacha said he was forced to use a machete to cut ropes, which served to maintain the back door of one of the suburban buses.

"I managed to save four people before the fire became uncontrollable," he said.

However, one of those rescued by Mr. Chacha died while he was going to the hospital.

For his part, Interior Minister Kangi Lugola urged drivers and commuters to respect road safety rules.

According to him, statistics show that more than 80% of road accidents were caused by careless driving.

For his part, Mara Regional Commissioner Adam Malima said the region had expressed his condolences to each family of the deceased.

Preliminary investigations determined that heavy rains may have affected visibility, leading to a frontal collision in which both vehicles caught fire.

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