The hotel sector in Africa has the potential to grow over the next five years – report | Hotels and hospitality


According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the hotel sector in Africa could continue to grow over the next five years.

The study noted that an increase in foreign and domestic travelers, as well as the expansion of hotel chains on the mainland, help to highlight the potential of the hotel sector in the region.

In South Africa, Nigeria, Mauritius, Kenya, and Tanzania, the PwC report notes that tourism "remains an important part of every economy," with continued investment in each country.


In the eighth annual edition of its Hospitality Outlook Report 2018-2022, PwC predicts that hotel room revenue for these five markets as a group will increase 7.4% Annual tourism to the African continent has proved resilient in the face of economic and political uncertainty, the impacts of drought and other regulatory changes, "said Pietro. Calicchio, leader of the hospitality industry, PwC Southern Africa

"There are many opportunities for this industry to continue to grow, but at a more modest pace.

"However, as we continue to see, there are also a number of challenges that every country faces – it is an industry that responds to the slightest change in policy, regulation, security and sustainability. "

PwC predicts that Nigeria will experience the fastest growth over the next five years, with a number of new hotels Kenya, Tanzania and Mauritius will follow, with annual increases of 9, 6%, 9.1% and 7.2% respectively.

In the report, PwC emphasized the importance of the hotel. "It is therefore important that investors, hoteliers, organizations Governments and governments continue to work together to develop this important industry and the tourism sector. "19659003" Ensuring its sustainability so that all stakeholders can reap the maximum benefit, "concluded Mr. Calicchio. [19659010] [ad_2]
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